“Rocco, you can’t harm your son’s mother either. You just said you love her. You have to think of Ethan. If you hurt her, you’ll hurt him,” I tell him.

“I have no plans to physically hurt her, but if you’re telling the truth, and I think you are, she has a hell of a lot to answer for,” he replies. “I have every intention to fight for my son. The Leones won’t keep him from me any longer and someone will pay for this deceit. It can’t be left unanswered. That’s not how I operate,” he says.

And I know he means it. But I also saw actual emotion beneath the surface, so I think he’ll try to do right by Ethan. It’s sad, but I think he’d be better for him than his own mother. I try to see the best in people, but a mother who uses her child like that, I don’t see the redemption there. But only time will tell…and I hope I’m wrong about Angelica for Ethan’s sake.

“Let me see it,” I say before grabbing Matteo’s phone.

She’s on a bed and very pale, but for the most part she seems physically unharmed. I hand him the phone back. “You better call your sister. We need to let him see Ethan. But we need someone we trust who can be on both sides too. Ethan may not be mine, but I’ll be damned if I’ll leave him alone with Rocco whether he’s his father or not.”

“I’m not sure I should call Ellie. Maybe I should call the nanny who’s been staying with Ethan,” he says.

“Do you know her though? Enough to trust her? We can’t simply kidnap her and Ethan. Angel will have to be informed,” I reply.

Matteo stares through the windshield of the SUV I borrowed from Pappi. “You’re right. This whole mess started with her. She needs to make it right,” he says as he lifts the phone to his ear.

“Ellie? Hawk came and got me at the hospital. Listen, we’re coming to see Ethan,” he tells her.

He listens for a few moments as she says something and then he hangs up.

“Well?” I ask.

“She’ll be waiting. She sounded hopeful you were coming. Like you might consider taking her back,” he says while he clenches his jaw.

“That won’t happen, Matteo. I’m sorry I let you believe I walked away like a jerk, but I guess you know that’s not the case,” I say as I grip the steering wheel.

“Thanks to Brittney I do. But why didn’t you tell me back then, Hawk?” he asks as we get close to the house where Ethan and Angel wait.

“I didn’t want to cause trouble between you and Angel. I knew how close you were. And I honestly thought you wouldn’t believe me. I have a sister I’m protective of, I know how it is,” I admit.

He nods. “I get it, man. But you should’ve let me make that decision for myself. I love Ellie, she’s my sister, but she’s always worked her tricks to get her way. I might’ve been mad at first, but I would’ve believed you.”

“I’m sorry, man. I needed to get out of Nashville for everyone’s sake. I learned my dad killed my uncle Victor, but it was because of a fight your father set up…one where they fought to the death. By the time my dad realized it, it was him or Victor and he chose to survive. But he came to your dad for help getting Victor out of the mess he’d gotten into with the De Lucas. It’s all a shitshow if you ask me. And I needed away from it all after I learned the truth about him and then about Angel too,” I tell him.

“I still wish you’d told me. We could’ve gotten through it,” he says as we pull up.

I put it in park and glance at my former best friend. “Maybe we can now,” I offer.

He glances back and one side of his mouth tips up. “Maybe, but you should know I meant what I said last night.”

“Which part?” I ask, although I’m sure I know.

“You don’t deserve her. Not in the state of mind you’re in right now. You might want to get it figured out because a woman like Brittney is rare. You wouldn’t want to lose her twice,” he says as he gets out.

I can’t argue because he’s right. But right now, I need to get her away from Rocco and back to safety.

Angel waits at the door with a hopeful smile on her face when we approach. “I knew you boys would make up. And I knew you’d want to spend time with your son now thatshe’sgone,” she says as we enter the house.

Matteo finds Ethan in the living room watching TV with the nanny and then turns to Angel. “We’re going for a ride with Ethan and the nanny,” he tells her.

Her brows furrow. “Why? My son isn’t going anywhere without me,” she says.

I speak up this time. “Ethan is going to spend some time with his father,” I say.

“You’re already here. Why would he need to go somewhere else to spend time with you?” she asks innocently.

I cross my arms. “I’m not his father, Angel. Rocco is,” I say with no emotion.

Her face pales. “No. You’re wrong, you saw the results,” she says defensively.