Hart trails behind me in the hallway to the hotel I chose not far from the warehouse where tomorrow’s fight will take place.

“You didn’t have to leave the mansion, Hart. I would’ve been fine on my own. I’m going to hole up in my room for the night and not leave until the fight tomorrow,” I say.

“Brittney, I know you’re independent and can handle this, but I’m here to protect you whether you want me to or not. There’s too much at play here for me to leave you alone. You know I’m right. Just think of it as an alarm system, okay? I’m here if you need me, but I’ll be out of sight and out of mind otherwise,” he assures me.

I smile as we reach our rooms. We booked them side by side but not adjoining. “Thank you, Hart. I think you’re going to make some lucky lady happy one day,” I tell him.

A small smile tickles his lips as we open our separate doors. “Thank you, Brittney. Call if you need me.”

I nod as we both enter our rooms. I flip the lights on and deposit my things on one of the queen beds by the window before flopping down on the one closest to the door.

Vincent warned me this could happen. But I thought I could help. I didn’t think I’d destroy the fragile connection Hawk and I had built. But boy was I wrong. I think about calling my own sister to tell her I know the truth. Hawk said he’d face her with me, but I guess some things were meant to be faced alone after all. Even if Hawk and I are done for good this time, she still owes me an explanation. I still want her to know,I knowthe truth. What kind of sister lets you believe she slept with your boyfriend?

The same kind that has a baby and hides it from the world for six years I suppose. I can’t help but wonder if Matteo will take my advice. I guess I’ll find out soon enough. The fight is tomorrow and I’ll either be someone’s fiancée or I guess I’ll be free to go back home.Home…what even is that? I don’t think I know anymore. It’s crazy to think a week can change so much.

Last night and the hours leading up to this fight ticked by slowly. Wren called to check on me and tell me what a jerk her brother is, and he didn’t mean it, and basically not give up on him. I appreciate her enthusiasm, but I think our ship has sailed.

Hart escorts me to the fight and we find our seats front and center between the Leones and the Rossis. Hawk is in the corner with Vincent, and he watches me walk in but quickly turns his attention back to Vincent and his grandfather when I take my seat. There’s a rather large crowd on the other side of the ring. They’re all faces I’ve never seen, and they’ve bet on this fight.

Wren rushes to me when I sit down and she hugs me. “It’s all going to be okay, Brittney. He won’t lose.”

I smile and glance at him, but he’s talking to Vincent and Marco still. Then Angelica approaches him with Ethan in tow. Hawk appears to be surprised, but he kneels to Ethan’s level and gives him knuckles. Angelica wraps her arm around Hawk’s waist, and he glances at me, but I turn away. I refuse to watch him let her back in. Accepting Ethan as his son is one thing, but not her. She doesn’t have to be attached to him to be in his son’s life.

Matteo finally strides out and he’s dressed in red gym shorts. His chiseled chest and abs are on display. But it’s the look in his eye that draws my attention. He jerks his chin to get me to follow him. Wren glances at me and shrugs her shoulders. Hart follows close behind me but gives us space.

Matteo crosses his arms over his chest as he peers down at me. “I thought you’d like to know, I got confirmation…Rocco is Ethan’s father.”

“Really?” I ask breathlessly and place my hand over my heart.

“Really. While I know it’s good news for you, I’m not so sure if it’s good for Ethan,” he says as he glances over me. I turn and see Angelica still trying to talk to Hawk as Hawk watches us intently, his jaw clenching.

I shrink a little inside. “I better get back to my seat, but thank you for telling me,” I say and start to turn away but he grabs my hand.

He wears lines of concern etched into his forehead. “Did he kick you out for talking to me?” he asks.

“He…uh…he doesn’t know the whole story, only that we talked, and you got too close to me,” I admit.

“Why didn’t you tell him the truth? All I did was try to shield you from Rocco, even if it meant making it appear real. I didn’t kiss your lips.” His gaze flicks down to them and back up to my eyes before he says, “Even though I wanted to.”

“Leave it alone, okay? The damage has been done,” I admit tearfully.

He smiles sadly. “Okay, love. But know if I win, I’d be honored to call you my wife or even my friend. I’m not quite the monster I’m sure he’s made me out to be. And if I lose, maybe he doesn’t deserve you anyway.”

“I, uh, I need to sit back down,” I say before the tears really do start back up.

“Brittney, watch your back. I don’t trust Rocco. And no matter how tonight turns out, I don’t have a good feeling about him,” he says with worry lines creasing his brows.

I nod and move back to my seat. Wren can barely contain her questions. “Well?” she asks as Hart sits back beside me.

“He says Rocco is Ethan’s father. He did his own test after all,” I inform her.

She’s the only one I confided in about my visit to Matteo that night. She knows everything I do now. She slaps her hand over her chest. “That’s good news, right?” she asks.

I glance at Hawk again and he stares back with flared nostrils and a clenched jaw. “I don’t know. I mean, I’m selfishly glad, but is it good news for Ethan? Probably not,” I say.

She glances at Matteo getting ready in the other corner with his dad. “I don’t know how he can put up with them both lying to him,” she says out loud.

Angelica sits down beside Kieran and close to us. Kieran watches his son and then glances at me. His lips press in on each other in disapproval. Great, Hawk’s entire family except Wren is hoping I’ll disappear.