Wren appears and has tears streaming down her face as she glares at me.

“Brittney, they said he touched you. He held your hand and kissed you. Is that true?” I can’t help but ask. I’m making things worse, and I can’t stop it.

“Yes. But—” she starts to explain but I cut her off.

“Thank you for not lying. Maybe we had it right the first time,” I say as anger flows through me like too many shots of my favorite whiskey.

“What…what do you mean?” she asks, and I can see the tremble in her hands now hanging loosely by her sides.

“We should’ve stayed away from each other. We shouldn’t have tried to revive what we once had. We’re always going to end up right here in the same place…hurting each other,” I state coldly.

She nods as she chokes back a sob before turning and heading for the stairs. Wren glares at me through angry tears as Mamma approaches. “How could you do that to her?” Wren demands as Mamma tries to comfort her.

“No. Don’t touch me. You’re as much to blame for this as he is!” she shouts.


She cuts me off. “I’ve always looked up to you, Hawk. But I can’t believe the cruelty you just showed her. She loves you. She’s been thrust into a hellish nightmare between the shit the Leones pulled on her to get to you and now she’s been twisting in the wind not knowing if you fathered another woman’s child. And she had your back, even if the results were that you did, she was going to be there. You just messed up so bad,” she says through angry tears.

She starts to storm off and I grab her and make her face me. “What would you have me do, Wren? She went to see him. She let him touch her, you heard her!” I shout.

She smiles without humor as her chin wobbles. “You have no clue what she really went there for and why it looked like it did. All you care is that she owned up to the fact he touched her. You didn’t let her explain.”

“The why matters? It excuses it?” I ask.

“I guess you won’t ever know, will you?” she says before jerking away from me and following the path Brittney did moments before.

Mamma peers at me with concern etched in her features. Her brows are furrowed, and she chews her lip.

I pull my phone from my pocket. “Hart, I need you to be alert and watch both Wren and Brittney.”

“I kind of heard. The whole mansion did. Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye out,” he says before hanging up.

I drop back down on the couch and Mamma leaves me be. About ten minutes later, Brittney appears with her luggage in tow.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“I’m causing problems by being here, so I’m going to a hotel. If you back out of the fight, I’ll understand,” she says quietly.

I stand and walk closer to her. “You know it’s not just about you. My family is on the line too. So, I’ll be fighting no matter what,” I say, unable to stop the asshole in me from escaping.

“Of course. Good luck, then,” she says as she opens the door.

“Tell your fiancé I say hello,” I say with an edge to my voice.

“You’ll see him before I will. The only reason I’ll have any contact with him is if you lose,” she says, defeat evident in her sad eyes.

“I won’t lose,” I tell her.

“I hope that’s true,” she says as she shuts the door behind her.

Hart is already carrying his packed duffel. “I’m on it,” he says sternly.

“Thank you,” I reply half-heartedly.

He glances at me. “That could’ve gone better,” he says before leaving.

Don’t I know it. I should’ve known better than to think we’d get our happily ever after. Tomorrow, I’ll be fighting for her, but it won’t be for her heart anymore. It’ll be for her freedom.