Hawk lifts his chin. “Bring it on, Matteo. The only thing I’m guilty of is trusting your sister once upon a time.”

Matteo narrows his eyes and turns to leave as Hart escorts him down. Hawk still stares at the staircase expectantly. It doesn’t take long to find out why. Kieran Abbott walks up with Hart trailing behind him.

Wren covers her mouth as she gasps. Kieran focuses on her, and his features soften. A small, hesitant smile touches his lips. “Hey, pretty girl.”


He nods and doesn’t take his eyes off her as she slowly walks toward him. He stands with his arms hanging at his sides until she moves in closer. He hesitantly opens them to hug her, and she connects with him slowly at first, and then the hug tightens as if he won’t ever let her go. It’s a scene I feel as though I’m intruding on.

He kisses the top of her head. “I love you, princess. I’m so sorry. I’ve missed you.”

Wren doesn’t speak, she just holds on a little tighter proving family isn’t quite as overrated as she made them out to be. When they finally break apart, he nods at Hawk before his gaze lands on Valentina.

Marco, Gianna, and Vincent move into an office behind the open area we’re in right now.

“Should we give them some space?” I whisper.

“No, he hasn’t earned that yet,” Hawk answers.

Wren moves to Hawk’s other side as we scoot back but stay in the area close enough to hear.

It’s like watching a black-and-white movie…everything is gray and drab until they touch and then the world is vibrant again. He touches her face, then she leans into his palm as she touches his hand with hers, then grabs his arm with the other. He pulls her face up to his and gently kisses her lips and then holds her in his arms. I’ve never seen such an emotional reunion. We all turn away to give them a small amount of privacy…as much as Hawk will allow.

I know Kieran messed up terribly. I don’t know how you forgive what he did. And I have nothing but heartache to show in my own life when it comes to love, but I can’t help being a hopeless romantic and rooting for them to be able to work it out even if it seems impossible.

I suppose only time will tell, the same way it will with me and Hawk.

I do know one thing…no matter what, the heart will always want what it wants.

“Ijust got the text from Matteo. The fight is happening in three days. There’s a warehouse around the block from Fantasia. It’ll be there,” I tell everyone at the dinner table as I slide my phone back in my pocket.

We left Midnight Kiss before they opened for business. Mamma seems more determined than ever to finish this fight with the Leones once and for all. Gianna chews in silence and is unreadable, while Pappi and Vincent are on edge. I know they think I’ll lose sight of winning now that I found out about Ethan.

I don’t know if I’m his dad yet, but within the next few days, I will. While I don’t particularly want to share a child with Angel, the thought I might be a dad has made me realize I want to be one whether it turns out I already am or not.

Wren pushes food around on her plate the way she does when a storm is brewing in her head. Hart eats but watches her absently.

But it’s Brittney I’m concerned with. She stood up for our love to Angel, but I can’t help but wonder if she meant what she said. This is a lot to take in. She has dreams and she wanted all the things with me I should be able to give to her and her alone.

I meant what I told Pappi, I won’t ever try to hold her back if she has any doubts about being with me. She deserves all the happiness in the world, whether it’s with me or not. The thought of it being without me threatens to crush me, but if I must let her go to make sure she gets everything she dreams of…I will.

“I know the one. They own it. I think they manage quite a few illegal ventures from there, so it’s no surprise,” Vincent says.

“Can we get enough security to cover the building? I want to be sure everyone is safe. Hart will have eyes on Brittney, but I need more if I’m going to be able to do this and win,” I tell him.

Pappi speaks up. “It’ll be covered.”

My grandmother continues to eat in silence without glancing at anyone. Mamma chimes in. “I’ll handle my own, thanks.”

“Like hell you will,” Pappi shouts making the table turn their attention to him. “I’ve had to live without you for too many years. I won’t risk your safety now that you’re home. You just want to be able to see Kieran.”

Mamma stands and lifts her chin. “He’s my husband. You think you know the whole story, but you don’t. Besides, it’s not him you should be afraid of me seeing.”

Pappi stands now too. “And exactly what are you planning, Valentina?”

“I plan on giving Aldo everything he deserves,” she says in a low steel tone before walking out of the room.

Pappi starts to follow, but Vincent wipes his mouth and stands. “I think you should let me.” Then he leaves in search of my mother.