She feigns surprise. “I don’t.”

“You think Brittney didn’t show me your message?” I ask already knowing she’s playing at something. There isn’t an honest bone in her body. I don’t know how I didn’t see it sooner.

“I wanted to tell you, Hawk,” she begins.

“You know where I’ve been,” I snap.

She steps closer and I move away. “Yes, but Marco, your grandfather, made it so we couldn’t contact you unless we wanted to start a war between our families.”

I get in her face this time. “The war was already there before we met simmering right under the surface, but what you’ve done…it’s boiled over and needs to be cleaned up. No more sweeping it under the rug. It will be fought. And you’re going to lose.”

She tries to touch me, and I jerk away from her. “I don’t want anything to do with you, Angel. Do you understand?”

She appears wounded for a moment before saying, “We have a son. I’ll always be in your life.”

“If your son is truly mine, then I’ll be in his life. But I won’t see you…ever,” I say flatly.

Aldo speaks up. “I think you’re forgetting our deal. If you lose the fight with Matteo, you’ll marry her. You’ll most definitely see her because I expect more grandchildren.”

I face him this time. “That won’t ever come from me, because I won’t lose.”

He smiles as my father walks in. By the look on his face, he didn’t know I was here. “Is everything okay?” he asks, but his eyes are trained on me.

“Fine,” I say barely able to suppress a shout.

Angel tries again. “Hawk, I said the baby was Rocco’s because I was scared of him. He threatened to kill me if it wasn’t his. But at the time I got pregnant, I’d only been with you. I had a period after the last time I was with Rocco, so there’s no way he’s the father…Ethan is yours,” she says with crocodile tears in her eyes.

My father has the decency to appear shocked. I glance at him. “What? You had no clue Aldo shipped her off to have the baby she’s claiming is my son?”

He swallows. “No, son. I didn’t know.” He tears his gaze from me and stares at Aldo with fury. His nostrils flare and his eyes narrow.

Aldo laughs. “I think everyone should calm down. We’re all family here or will be soon.”

“You may have tricked my father into being your right-hand man, but I won’t ever be anything to you but your enemy,” I growl at Aldo.

“Hawk, please meet Ethan. You’ll know the moment you see him, he’s yours,” she begs.

“I’ll meet him. But I won’t claim him as my son until I have a DNA test, Angel,” I tell her.

She nods with tears in her eyes.

“Don’t contact Brittney again. Leave her out of this,” I warn her.

“Hawk, we can try to be a family. We owe it to Ethan. You loved me once, you can again. We can be happy,” she says softly.

“I don’t love you, Angel. Back then I didn’t know what I was doing, but it wasn’t love,” I tell her coldly. “I’ll be at Midnight Kiss tomorrow before it opens. You can bring him there.”

I leave the room and head down the hall to leave. I hear my dad calling me, but I keep walking. I storm outside and he’s on my heels. He grabs my arm. “Is it true? She had your baby?” he asks.

I jerk away from him. “I don’t know. We always used protection. So, unless she tampered with something, and I don’t put it past her, I don’t see how it could be true.”

He runs his hand through his hair. “Damn it, Hawk. We got you out of here once. I didn’t want you to be back here and tangled in their web like I am.”

“You’re telling me all of this happened under your nose without you knowing?” I ask.

“Yes. That’s what I’m saying. I know you may not believe it, but I love you. You’re my son and I only want what’s best for you. That means not having anything to do with the Leones or De Lucas,” he says.

“Are you coming tomorrow?” I ask.