She smiles kindly. “My darling, there’s no risk too great when it’s for someone you love.”

I’m a little stunned by her sincerity. “I feel like you should know what happened between me and Hawk back then—” I start, but she cuts me off with a raised hand.

She takes my hands in hers and says, “All I know is fate led you to each other three times now. You know what they say…the third time’s the charm. You are exactly the kind of woman I’ve always hoped my son would fall in love with. The moment that you reconnected, you brought his spirit back to life. I could see it, although he tried to deny it. But a mother knows. I hear and see things Hawk thinks I don’t. When a man is with the right woman, it shows.”

“Thank you for saying so, Valentina. I want you to know I love your son, so much it scares me. But I’m so afraid I’ll lose him and I don’t think I’d survive it again,” I say as my lip trembles.

“I know you do. But trust me, Brittney. Hawk will fight for you. Once he’s deemed something worthy, he gives it his all. And you, my darling, are worthy. He won’t back down. And you must remember to fight for him too when things get tough,” she says as she squeezes my hands. Then she glances back at her wedding photo and starts to turn to walk away.

“You still love him, don’t you?” I ask.

She faces me again. “With each beat of my broken heart.”

“Why didn’t he fight for you like you fought for him?”

“He did. He fought to save my brother too. He knew Victor was out of his mind with the drugs he’d become addicted to, yet he still believed he could win their fight and bring him back home so we could get him some help. He made a deal with the devil for that fight, and he knew it would cost him and make my family furious when they found out. But in the end, nothing went according to plan and he had to make a terrible choice…and he chose to survive, knowing he’d lost my brother and he’d likely lose me too,” she tells me.

“I know he killed your brother because it came down to that or he’d be killed himself, but why did your father not hear either of you out?”

“Because…sometimes being a Rossi means choosing duty and honor to your family over being in love and happy.”

My heart stills. This is what Hawk was trying to warn me about. He’s set to become the head of this family one day. Is that what will become of us if we try and make this work…a love story with a doomed fate? “What will it mean for me and Hawk?”

“Not a thing, because the same mistakes that were made with my relationship won’t happen with yours, darling. You don’t need to worry.” She rubs my back before heading back down the hall toward the front of the mansion, and I’m left wondering…if a love as strong and seemingly pure as theirs didn’t survive this family, how will ours?

I cast one last glance at the photo and head toward the front of the mansion when my cell buzzes in my pocket.

It’s Briella and I know I need to answer. I’ve been absent from home and work, not to mention radio silent. “Hello?”

“Finally! What in the heck is going on, Britt? Where are you? I’ve been worried sick!” she says frantically.

“Slow down, Bree. I’m fine…for now.” I murmur the last part and pray she didn’t catch it.No such luck.

“For now?” she shrieks in my ear loud enough I pull the phone away.

She launches into threatening she’s going to come, and I stop her. “Bree, I’m fine, I promise. I’ll explain everything later.”

“How can I help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on?” she asks.

“I need you to trust me, babe. I’m in good hands,” I tell her.

“And whose hands are those? I don’t know who this Matteo person is, and you’re suddenly engaged to him? It’s all over the internet!” she exclaims.

“I know what it says, and I’ll explain everything as soon as I can. But rest assured, it’s nothishands I’m in,” I say quietly, meanwhile my stomach does a giddy flip as I remember Hawk’s calloused hands touching literally each inch of my bare skin.

“I’m waiting…whose hands are you in, then?” she demands to know.

“Hawk’s,” I admit.

She’s quiet for about thirty seconds before she guffaws. “While I want to say I told you so, I’m still going to need an explanation and soon. I know Hart is in Nashville too, and I know it’s because of a security detail involving you. It makes me feel slightly better to know you have both Hawk and Hart. But only slightly. Don’t make me wait much longer. I’ll hunt you down myself, if need be, and you know I will,” she says. And I believe her.

“Yes, ma’am, I promise you’ll know everything soon,” I say.

“Okay. But tell me one thing now…” She trails off.

“What?” I ask.

“Is it good?” she asks, and I burst out laughing.