Brittney closes her eyes, and the tears leak down her nose and into her hair. I attempt to wipe them away, but she whispers a plea, “Please don’t.”
“Baby…” I start.
Her watery gaze focuses on me. “I know you care. I even believe you love me, Hawk. But I don’t think you’rein lovewith me. Not in the same way I’m in love with you. It’s only ever been you since we were kids.”
I stare at her in surprise. I don’t know how to respond. I do think I’m in love with her, but I’m not going to drag her into what it means to be a Rossi. My grandfather made it clear I owe him for his help. The debt will be settled by taking on the role he thinks I should. My feelings for Brittney can’t save me from that fate.
I stand and reach over to switch the lamp off. Then, I place a kiss on her forehead before striding to the door. I hear a quiet hiccup as she cries, and I do something I know I shouldn’t—I glance back and see her small frame balled up and shaking with little sobs. But this time, I’m afraid the only way to protect her is to leave out the wretched history I have with Angel and not let her know I am incredibly in love with her. How could she ever think I’m not?
I quietly open the door and leave her alone as she cries for me, proving what a jerk I truly am. I pad back downstairs and into the deserted study. I switch on the desk lamp as the rest of the room is cloaked in darkness and pull my phone from my pocket. As much as I hate to, I’m calling Tate to ask for help, but not from him.
It’s almost eleven and I know he’s asleep, but this can’t wait. He answers on the first ring. “Hawk? Is everything okay?”
“For now. I’m trying to keep it that way. Listen, I need some help after all. Can you get me Hart’s number?” I ask without explanation.
“If you need police help, you should ask Sterling,” he says defensively.
“I don’t need the police to help in any official capacity. I need someone I can trust to help keep an eye on Brittney when I can’t. And Hart doesn’t have a wife and baby at home,” I tell him.
I hear a loud sigh from the other line. “You’re so stubborn, but I can’t lie, I’m secretly glad you asked for help, even if it’s not from me personally.” He rattles off Hart Thorne’s number and I write it on a sticky note in front of me.
“Are you going to tell me anything about what’s going on, Hawk?”
“One day, maybe…” I trail off.
“How about you hurry up and fight your past so you can come back home where you belong?”
“Do you miss me already?” I ask, laughing.
“Nah, not at all,” he says jokingly. We talk for a couple more minutes and end the call.
I can only hope one day I’ll get to go back to Greendale Valley. It all depends on what my grandfather has in store for me. The next phone call I’ll make is to a man I don’t truly know, but what I do know is Sterling trusts him. And if he’s earned Sterling’s trust, that’s an honor.
I call him even though it’s late. “Thorne,” he answers.
“This is Hawk Abbott. I work with Tate and Sterling at Valley B.”
“I know who you are,” he says flatly.
“I’m calling to ask a favor. A favor I’d pay you well for if you can do it,” I say, hoping he’ll say yes.
“Can you take off at GVPD for the next week or so and come to Nashville for a protection detail?”
“Who am I protecting?” he asks.
“Brittney Jameson, the girl…the woman I love. My hands are tied up and I’m going to need help to make sure she’s safe while I deal with a few things.”
“When do I need to be there?” he asks. There’s no hesitation and I’m grateful for it.
“Could you be here by noon tomorrow?”
“I’ll get everything cleared at work. If I run into any resistance, I’ll let you know. Otherwise, I’ll see you then,” he says firmly.
“Don’t you need to know why I’m asking you this? You don’t even know me.”
“No, but I know Sterling and I know Briella. Sterling has nothing but great things to say about you and Briella loves her best friend. I may not know all the connections in Greendale Valley yet, but I know those well enough to say yes without question,” he admits.
Hart Thorne is retired military. He was in the Marines, but honestly, that’s as far as my knowledge goes. He’s tight-lipped about his past and he has no one in Greendale Valley I know of. If it’s possible, he’s sealed off about his past more than me and that’s saying a lot. But I know he’ll protect Brittney when I can’t.