Hawk grabs my hand and presses a kiss to my knuckles while giving me a small smile. He tried to warn me what his family was like. But they’re so intense I don’t know what to think or how to act. Don’t get me wrong, Hawk is intense in his own way, but nothing like they are.

When we arrive, we’re ushered in a back entrance I didn’t know existed. Once inside, the music is loud, and the lights are flashing making it hard to see anything other than dancing bodies. We walk up some stairs and down a hallway where there are rooms, all with closed doors. We finally reach the end of the hallway and enter a large office. The walls are dark red, and the floor is black carpet. A large desk occupies the center of the room.

Once the door is shut by the guards who accompanied us, another door off to the side opens. Hawk laces his fingers through mine as we watch Matteo, Angelica, a man I’ve never seen, and a man who looks eerily like Hawk.

I notice Matteo watching us as he moves behind the desk and I see a smug smile tug at his lips, then I notice Angelica staring longingly at Hawk. I don’t pay much attention to the man I don’t recognize, but the one who favors Hawk so much, I realize must be his father, Kieran Abbott.

He wears a blank stare, but his eyes don’t leave Hawk except to glance at our joined hands. He has the same build as Hawk and the same green eyes. His hair is much lighter than his son’s.

The man I don’t know sits behind the desk and peers at us with dark eyes. “Isn’t this a surprise? We thought we were welcoming a new client and wife for my son, but instead we’re graced with the presence of all three generations of Rossis. What can we do for you, Marco?”

Marco is an intimidating man even as his hair shows gray, and his skin shows the wrinkles of time and life lived. He’s still very much a handsome, built man. And even as Matteo’s father attempts to appear calm, I notice the sheen of sweat on his brow.

Marco steps forward with Vincent. Together they’re an impregnable show of power. I notice Kieran stare at Vincent and his nostrils flare.

“You can rip up this so-called contract your son coerced my grandson’s girlfriend into signing, Aldo.”

Aldo leans back in his chair and laughs. “He coerced nothing. She signed of her own free will, gentlemen. Perhaps she wasn’t Hawk’s to begin with and got caught trying to get something better.”

Matteo’s not smiling now when I glance at him. He’s staring a hole through Hawk.

It’s Vincent’s turn to speak. “Bullshit, Aldo. Brittney told us everything and both your children did a great job of coercing her into it by playing on her dreams of having a music career.”

“Why wouldn’t she come to you and use G.M. Victory Records if all she wanted was a music career?” Aldo asks and his gaze lands on me.

“Could it be Hawk didn’t care enough to tell her what he was capable of? Did he want her at all if she felt she had to run to another man to help make her dreams come true?” he sneers at Hawk.

“You know she let him kiss her, don’t you? He’s going to do a lot more than that with her when she marries him as outlined in the contract. She’ll get her music career, but she’ll also give Matteo children,” Aldo says smugly.

Hawk stiffens and drops my hand and I quickly feel one of the Rossis’ guards move in close behind me as Hawk snarls at Aldo and Matteo. “He won’t lay a finger on her.” His fists clench and unclench at his sides as if he’s getting ready to take a swing.

Aldo doesn’t cower, but his eyes give away his fear as he blinks rapidly. Meanwhile, Matteo glowers at Hawk and Angelica appears wounded. Kieran lifts his chin and doesn’t take his eyes off me this time instead of his son.

Aldo steels his spine. “The girl belongs to my son. Unless you have something better to offer.”

Marco already said he’d offer money back at the mansion, but he knows it’s not money they’re after. On some level, I know that too and I know it’s not me…it’s Hawk. He was right. This is all about getting to him, but why? He’s yet to explain.

Marco takes the opportunity knowing it’s in vain. “How much money do you want?”

Aldo grins. “You know this isn’t about money, Marco.”

Vincent’s intensity almost sucks the air out of the room as he towers over the desk. “Too much blood has been spilled already. Take the money and stay the hell away from my family or you’ll be sorry.”

Kieran has the decency to cast his gaze down, but Aldo doesn’t budge. “Hawk is responsible for ruining three lives here. Victor’s blood was spilled by your own family.”

Marco and Hawk are quick to grab Vincent before he can reach Aldo. Aldo laughs coldly as Kieran stares at him clearly not understanding why he’d taunt the Rossis.

The guard is beside me now instead of behind me. Once Vincent has calmed down enough for Hawk and Marco to release him, Marco turns back to Aldo and walks around the desk, then gets down in his face. “Make no mistake, Aldo, you mention Victor again and I’ll end you myself.”

Aldo visibly squirms and swallows as Marco stands to his full height. “You want more blood? Hawk fought you once before and won. Hawk has already agreed to fight again for this family and for the woman he loves. When he wins, you’ll release Brittney from this bullshit contract.”

“And when he loses?” Matteo speaks up and all the Rossi men turn their focus on him.

“I won’t lose,” Hawk says with deadly calm.

Matteo appears to be amused. “If you lose, Brittney will be my bride and you’ll marry my sister like she thought you would and join our families once and for all.”

Marco turns on Hawk and shakes his head as Hawk shakes hands with Matteo sealing the deal. We all witnessed it and there’s no turning back now.