“It means you’re either a bullshit coward like your father, or you’re a bullshit liar and there’s more behind this generational war than you’re telling me.”

He reaches for me, but I pull back. “Why does he want to meet with us?”

He hangs is head, but there’s honesty in his gaze. “He wants to meet the woman I care about enough to finally start a war we should’ve fought a long time ago.”

The night was restless. I watched as she packed a bag for the next few days, and she wouldn’t look at me. I can’t say I blame her. I told her my family’s past in Nashville, but not mine. She called me on it, but I wouldn’t offer up any further explanation, so the rest of the night was spent in silence.

Sometime after midnight, I slid into bed beside her and pulled her small frame into mine. Only then was I able to sleep. But when I woke up this morning, I was alone. She was sitting on the couch freshly showered and ready to leave holding a coffee mug. She held up her phone, so I moved to where I could see.

It was a news headline that readLongtime Bachelor and Ladies’ Man, Matteo Leone of Fantasia Inc., Locks Down Fiancée in Recently Signed Singer, Brittney Jameson.

Damn it, they wasted no time. Brittney stares at me silently and gives nothing away.

“I need to pick up some things at my house, then we can leave,” I tell her.

She nods but doesn’t speak. Ten minutes later, she follows me home and I shove some clothes and toiletries in my duffel bag after I had stepped through about a minute-long shower. I neglected to shave or even trim my facial hair today. When I emerge from my room, she’s standing in front of the television staring at photos on the shelf below of me, and Wren, and Mamma. She turns at the sound of my steps.

Her gaze travels the length of me, and even in such a serious time, my pants get a little tighter than is comfortable. “You ready?” I ask softly.

“As I’m ever going to be,” she answers nonchalantly.

We take her SUV, and this time, I’m behind the wheel as she stares out the window at the passing country landscape which soon fades into city streets. We ride in uncomfortable silence. I’m mentally prepping for how this is all about to happen as I’m sure she is too.

I turn into a gated driveway and stop at the security booth. The guard is a hulk of a man meant to deter those who have no business here. I wish I didn’t. “Name, please,” the guard demands, but in a polite manner.

I take my sunglasses off. “Hawk Abbott. I’m here to see my grandfather,” I say with authority I didn’t realize I had.

The guard doesn’t miss a beat and buzzes us in. As we roll down the long driveway, Brittney visibly tenses beside me. I reach for her hand half expecting her to pull away, but she squeezes mine instead. “Nothing will hurt you,dolcezza.I promise.”

We finally stop in front of the Rossis’ expansive mansion. This is the house my mother grew up in. There are other large houses on this property built for each of Marco Rossi’s children and their families. Two sit vacant, a shrine to what was.

Only Vincent resides here, but he has no family of his own and no wife. His sole focus has been managing the wealth and business of the Rossi empire. Brittney glances up at the mansion and her lips part in awe.

“We should go in. He doesn’t like to be kept waiting,” I say softly.

I get out and walk to the passenger side to open her door. She slides out still taking in the monstrous building before us as she chews her lip. I rub my hands up and down her arms. “Hey. It’s okay,” I tell her.

I start to walk away ready to fend off any threat to her even if the threat doesn’t live here. But my urge to protect her is strong. She calls out before I get more than a few feet from her. “Hawk, wait.”

I turn and walk back to where she stands with wide eyes. I can see her pulse jumping in her throat as she takes my face in her small hands. “I need to tell you now, before there’s any chance I can’t later…” She trails off as her gaze pings from my eyes to my lips. “I love you, Hawk. I don’t care if we just found our way back to each other yesterday or a month ago…I’ve always loved you and I haven’t ever said it. No matter how this ends, you’re the one for me. Forever.” She pulls me down and kisses my lips with the same hunger I feel.

I break the kiss first and take her hand. I don’t say it back because I’ve hinted at it and all but said it, so she should know. But knowing I may be forced to give her up, I can’t bring myself to say the words aloud to her. Maybe it makes me a jerk, and maybe it doesn’t, but it’s not something I can manage right now.

I ring the doorbell when we reach the front door. Almost immediately, it’s opened, and we’re ushered into a study of sorts. The older woman who led us here promised to return with refreshments and to let my grandfather know we’ve arrived.

Brittney spins around searching the books and photos displayed neatly through this space. Her gaze finally lands on a large family portrait framed in the center of the room. In it, my grandparents, my mother, and her brothers smile at the camera. It was taken before their lives were cast into the depths of loss and despair.

Her brows knit together as she glances from the picture to me. I point to each person and tell their names. “That’s my grandfather, Marco, my grandmother, Gianna, my mother, Valentina, as you know, my uncle Vincent, and my uncle Victor.” I move to stand near her.

“You favor Victor,” she says in surprise. I clench my teeth. I do favor him. I’m a brilliant mix of both my parents, but my Italian roots shine through. My mother looks a lot like Victor too. My father can’t deny me, but if you were to put me beside my uncle Victor, I’m close to being his green-eyed twin.

We turn at the sound of footsteps entering the study. “Hawk.” My grandfather takes in my appearance and smiles. He pulls me in for a hug. “It’s been too long.Benvenuto a casa.Welcome home.”

“Pappi. I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Brittney Jameson.”

He turns his attention to her and takes her hand before bringing it to his lips, dropping a chaste kiss on her knuckles. “Ah, the famous Brittney who captured my grandson’s heart long ago.” He releases her hand and smiles.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Rossi,” she says with a blush.