His eyes narrow slightly in a way that almost says he knows something I don’t. He’s dressed more casually than the last time we met. He’s wearing a navy Henley and light-colored jeans in place of the black slacks and button-down shirt he wore the other times I’ve seen him. Although my eyes are for someone else, I can appreciate how handsome this man is.

“I see that. You have nothing to be afraid of, Brittney. This is your world now,” he says as he lifts his hands up.

“I don’t know about that. I’m small fries compared to other clients, I’m sure. Anyway, what are we doing this morning?”

He chuckles and smiles, but I can’t read it. “We need to review how this will work…your creative process, and get you acquainted with the musicians and producers you’ll be working with. I also want to show you where you’ll be staying.”

“Where I’m staying? I didn’t know I needed to stay in Nashville,” I say, a little stunned by that tidbit.

He motions for me to follow him downstairs to a basement of sorts through a door tucked at the back of the bar, but he doesn’t respond to me. As we walk down the steps, he pauses in front of another heavy door. When he opens it, there’s a recording studio on the other side. Angelica, his sister, is there. At the sound of our arrival, she glances up and smiles.

“Brittney, so glad you could join us. I thought you could get in the booth and sing so you can get used to how it works before you record something for real,” she says. She stands and walks toward us. Matteo steps in front of me but off to the side as if he’s about to push me behind him. Angelica simply smiles at her brother through squinted eyes and a raised brow putting off a lethal vibe. Whatever this sibling rivalry is between them isn’t helping the anxious knot in my gut.

She blinks a few times and focuses on me with a tight-lipped smile. “Did my brother tell you where you’ll be staying?”

I quickly glimpse between the two of them. “I didn’t know I’d be staying anywhere other than my own apartment in Greendale Valley.” I already said as much to Matteo, but he didn’t acknowledge it.

She grins and it reminds me of one of those wicked witches in movies who are ugly inside, but pretty on the surface. “It’s in the contract you signed. Didn’t you read it?” she asks with a hint of twisted pleasure in her voice, almost as if she’s privy to a secret I should know.

“I didn’t read each word. Matteo said I could trust him, so I did. He also explained there was an out if I felt I needed it.” I pause and advance on her which only makes her grin widen. “Do I need it now? Because I won’t be controlled even if it costs me my dream.”

Angelica opens her mouth to speak but Matteo takes over. “We aren’t controlling you. It’s simply easier on everyone if you stay close by. It’s a long drive back and forth and we want your total focus. That’s all. We offer housing for all our clients. It’s no big deal,” he says smoothly with authority.

I back down a little, appeased by his answer. “I can manage a few days at a time during recording, but I’m not staying in Nashville long term. I’ll need time to rearrange my schedule at home and bring some of my things with me.”

Matteo smiles easily as Angelica appears to fume with a barely contained scowl. She strikes me as someone who wants to control everyone and everything. She snaps out of it when Matteo speaks to her. “Ellie, let’s get her set up in the booth so you can hear her in person.”

“Sure, follow me.” She leads me into the booth and shows me how to use the microphone and helps me test the sound before she steps into the control room with Matteo again. I can’t help but feel like a fish in a bowl with them staring at me. All of a sudden, Matteo’s voice is in my ears.

“Sing your heart out, beautiful. Day one of your dreams starts now.” As much as I can’t put my finger on the sense, he’s not telling me everything, something about him sets me at ease all the same. He may be a bit of a mystery with a few layers of his own demons, but even though he has a tough exterior which no doubt could be a force to be reckoned with, I think at heart he’s a good person.

His sister, on the other hand, seems callous and empty. I tune her out and close my eyes while I replay last night with Hawk. It’s not a sad song I feel like singing anymore. I sing a love song that paints the picture of two people who know they may get hurt but give it their all anyway. It isn’t my own of course, but it does make me think of where Hawk and I are now, and back to where we were before the world we thought we knew shattered.

Once I’ve belted out the song, I catch sight of Matteo as he stands there smiling at me with his muscled arms crossed over his impressive chest. Even Angelica’s mouth gapes open as she regards me. Heat rushes to my face. It’s not often I sing in front of anyone in such a raw way. Try not ever. I take the headphones off and exit the booth.

Matteo speaks first. “That was even better than the first time I heard you sing. You’re incredibly talented.”

Angelica chimes in, “You certainly have a voice. I don’t think we’ll have any problem promoting you when the time comes.”

I lift my chin as I accept her compliment. “Thank you.”

She peeks at her phone. “I’ll make some calls and get the rest of the musicians you’ll be working with over here, so y’all can get acquainted and figure out your sound.” She glides out of the room. She’s all business and no emotion now.

Matteo moves close and stands with his hands in his pockets for a moment with a smirk on his face. “I knew you’d blow her away.” He steps closer and trails his finger lightly over the curve of my jaw. “The same way you blew me away.”

He starts to lean in, and I step back. He drops his hand and narrows his eyes with his chin lifted as if he’s letting me know he sees something he wants and intends to get. A shiver rolls down my spine as the calmness he bestowed on me earlier evaporates. I’m not sure if this dream of being a singer and songwriter is worth working with either him or his sister at this point. It certainly isn’t worth throwing away this second chance I have with Hawk.

I know we didn’t date in an official capacity before, and most of our history is from when we were kids in a time when we didn’t know what it meant to truly be in love, but I know I’ve always loved him. And I know he’s worth more to me than any stage and spotlight could ever be.

The day passes quickly as we work tirelessly to get everything ready for colder weather. When it’s time to leave, Tate stops me. “You sure you don’t want any help? Mine or Sterling’s?”

“Nah, man. I appreciate it. There are some things you have to do on your own. I’m responsible for my past and I won’t let it trickle down to anyone else,” I tell him firmly.

He nods. “All right, man. Be careful. The past can be like quicksand. Make sure you’re anchored to the present and what’s important now before you take a trip down memory lane.” He starts to walk away but hesitates before turning back to me. “The past can look completely different the second time around.”

I smile but feel my shoulders slump because he’s right. Seeing the past through Brittney’s eyes last night was a wake-up call that not everything was the way I thought it was. And the guilt I feel at the sharp realization is a weight I’m not sure how to lift yet. “I think you’re right.”

His brows furrow in concentration. “I mean that in two different ways, brother. It sounds like in the case of you and Brittney, there were some epic misunderstandings that wreaked havoc on you both. But I also mean it in the sense you may find things that change you in a way which can’t be undone…for better or worse. Be careful how deep you dig.”