“I don’t know, to be honest. I have this sinking feeling everything is about to fall apart,” I admit.

“Did you ever talk to Brittney?” he asks casually.

“I did. Believe it or not, we’re giving this thing between us a chance,” I say and then take a sip of my coffee.

“That’s great, man. Congratulations. But you think this feeling of something being wrong is between y’all?” he asks.

I shake my head. “I’m not sure. Let’s say there are some players in the game from my past who are waiting to see what my next move is, and in this game your opponent won’t let you fold and walk away. They want to take it all and they’re the type to keep pushing until they get what they want.”

Tate seems worried now. Wrinkles appear in his forehead as it creases. “Do we need to get Sterling and Hart involved in whatever is going on?”

“Not yet. Let me see what I can figure out on my own for now. I don’t want to bring the kind of rules they play by to anyone in Greendale Valley. This is something I need to face myself once and for all,” I tell him as my own worry churns in my gut. I know the SUV Wren mentioned is the same one watching Brittney and me.

I also know it’s Matteo. He’s circling. He said one day I’d have to pay up. I’ll fight with everything in me to make sure he stays far away from everyone here and far away from Brittney.

When I got home from Hawk’s house, I flopped down on my bed and giggled.I was giggling.I don’t remember the last time I felt this giddy.What’s wrong with me?I cover my face with my hands and sigh as I remember his touch on my skin and his body moving with mine. Hawk Abbott, the boy I loved—the man I grew to hate—has managed to turn the tables and make me fall for him all over again.I’m crazy.There’s no other word for it.

I know what we talked about; I know he wants this second chance…I’m not too proud to admit I do too after hearing his side of the story. I also can’t help but think we need to slow this ride down before someone gets hurt. That someone would likely be me. Things may not have been as they seemed back then, but using a bit of caution is probably the best way to navigate this new road.

My giddy feelings subside at the thought. I’m not sure I can handle another fallout with him. Guilt rolls around in my gut as my stomach literally gurgles with hunger. I sit up and glance at my purse and keys on the coffee table where I dropped them ten minutes ago when I walked in. I was so wrapped up in my newfound bliss when I left Hawk’s house that I drove straight home without thinking of eating.

I reread the small note he left on his pillow this morning and smile. It’s definitely not a morning-after regret note this time.


Last night was amazing. Thank you for listening and giving this a chance. I hope you have a great day, and I can’t wait to see you again.

All my love,


I put it in my nightstand drawer and walk to the coffee table to scoop up my keys and then my purse. I stepped in the shower at Hawk’s but didn’t wash my hair. I can’t use just any shampoo and I definitely can’t be without conditioner, so I washed my body and piled my hair on top of my head in a messy bun. However, I did use his bodywash and deodorant.

The smell of his soap makes me want him more. It’s that male clean scent with a hint of something else…something that smells like him. A satisfied smile touches my lips as I pull my sunglasses out of my purse and slide them on my face before walking outside.

I’m wearing last night’s jeans, but I swapped my T-shirt out for a clean one before I flopped down on my bed in naïve bliss. I’m fresh-faced with only my smile as makeup. I hop in my SUV and drive across town to the local coffee shop.

As I’m walking out with my coffee and chocolate chip banana muffin in hand, my phone rings. I try to juggle my cup, food, and keys while I slide back into my car to answer my cell. I press the green button without checking the caller ID. “Hello?”

“Hey, beautiful. You’ll be here by ten, right?”


Suddenly, my hunger pains fade into an anxious knot. I glance at the clock on my radio. It’s a little past eight. “I’ll be there, but I may be a few minutes late. I had a long night.”

He lets out a soft chuckle. “I’m sure you did. It’s okay. I’ll see you soon.”

Just like that, he disconnects the call. I stare at the phone in my hand for a few seconds before placing it in one of my vacant cupholders. Not for the first time, I close my eyes and take a deep, calming breath as I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into. Hawk won’t be happy about this—he made that clear before we bared our souls and started the promise of this second chance. I don’t know how to tell him…or when. But I know it has to be done. There has to be trust in a relationship. And I think that’s what we have…

My mind is running in caffeinated circles of anxiety and guilt on the drive, and I arrive in Nashville fifteen minutes late. Fantasia is closed at this hour, so I’m surprised when I pull the door open without resistance. As I step inside where it’s much darker, I push my sunglasses on the top of my head and out of the way.

“Matteo?” I call out to the empty club before me.

I’m searching the stillness which seems a vast contrast to the noise and vibrations of this place when it’s occupied by dancing bodies and singing voices.

“There you are.” His voice booms through the empty club.

I jump at the sound and clutch my chest. “You scared me.” I laugh nervously as he closes in.