I’m unsure of what to say. “Uh, I’m not sure that’s a good idea if you mean it the way I think you do. We’ll be working together, and I don’t want to blur any lines.”

He slides his arm around my waist pulling me into him. “There are no blurred lines, love. You’re where you belong, trust me. Nothing can change that.”

I open my mouth to protest, but he puts a finger to my lips to quiet me. “You almost kissed me at the club. I promise, I’ll leave since it’s late unless you want me to stay. But give me one thing before I do.”

“What?” I ask innocently.

“Kiss me, Brittney,” he says while glancing from my eyes to my lips.

I don’t speak. I don’t move. But he does. He moves closer, taking my silence as permission. He gently presses his lips to mine. His kiss is innocent and soft. His tongue swipes my bottom lip and I open for him, letting his tongue touch mine. His kiss is intoxicating, but it’s drowned out by my phone ringing. I break the kiss before turning to stick my hand in my purse and silence it.

He turns me back toward him for one more soft kiss. I let him, even as Hawk’s image creeps into my thoughts. But this kiss is merely a peck.

“I’ll let you get some sleep, love.” He grabs the envelope and slides the signed contract back inside.

“Will I get a copy of it?” I ask.

“I’ll make sure you get one. Sleep well. Your new life is just beginning. I’ll be with you each step along the way. I promise.”

I stand there in silence as he makes his way to the door. With his hand on the knob, he turns to glance at me. “I don’t break my promises, Brittney. You can count on it.”

As he walks out, I shut and lock the door behind him. I don’t know why, but a shiver slides down my spine as I remember my phone ringing. I dig it out of my purse to find a number I don’t recognize.

Probably a spam caller. But why do I feel like that call was one I should’ve answered?

After working at the ranch from the early morning hours through my normal workday with Tate, I decide to swing back by Brittney’s to see if I can catch her. I certainly hope she’s there. If not, High Road Bar will be my next stop. My stomach has been in knots all day thinking about the unknown. I have ideas about what she could’ve been doing in Nashville, but none of them are good.

I pull up in front of her house as the sun begins to dip behind purple clouds. I cut my engine and search in front of me for her SUV. It’s nowhere in sight. I’m about to leave and search for her at High Road when her SUV pulls into view. She whips in her driveway and gets out of her car quickly. Then, she makes a beeline for her front door. I get out and let my door close loudly.

She hears the noise and turns. When she sees me, her cheeks flush but she hurries to unlock her door. I’m behind her in a matter of seconds. She tries to shut the door in my face, but I stop it before it can close and follow her inside. “Where’s the fire, Brittney?” I finally take in her appearance. She’s dressed in clothes one would wear for a night out.

She ignores me and heads down the hall toward her bedroom. “Where have you been?” I ask. Her shoulders draw up to her ears as if I’ve made a loud noise or shouted.

Without facing me, she says, “I didn’t realize any of my business was of concern to you.”

I move closer and let my fingers encircle her arm gently and tug slightly, so she’ll turn toward me. When her gaze connects with mine, I can tell she’s trying to hide something. “I know you went to Nashville last night.”

Her complexion pales and her lips turn down into a frown of sorts. “How would you know that?”

“The girl you work with let it slip. Please tell me you didn’t do something stupid,dolcezza.Nashville is not safe. You can’t trust people there.”

She raises her chin defiantly. “And I can trust you? The boy who slept with my own sister on the same night we were supposed to be together for the first time?”

I’m stunned. The hand that was still touching her arm drops to my side and hangs there limply. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She’s starting to walk away but my words send her storming back as she shouts, “I saw you, Hawk! I saw you with her!”

Her stare is angry and hurt as she waits on some sort of response. All I can muster is an accusation. “You were with Matteo last night, weren’t you?”

“Yes, I was. Not that it’s your business. You already said your goodbye and a thanks for the sex in the sweet note you left on my pillow.” She pauses and schools her features quickly even as a tear dares to escape. She swipes the trail off her cheek and breathes out slowly. “You got what you wanted from me. Nothing else should matter to you.”

She turns her back on me again and I ask, “Brittney, what have you done?”

Once more she stops. “I’m living my life. I won’t sit around here waiting when I need to be out there living and chasing my happiness. I’ve held back for too long.”

“Did you sleep with him? Is he the one putting all this in your head about chasing your happiness? He’s a liar, Brittney, and a very dangerous man,” I manage to say as my stomach churns with thoughts of him touching her the way I did.

“He’s not who you say he is. I believe him when he makes a promise to me. It’s more than I’ll ever be able to say about you.” She holds my stare. “Why are you here, Hawk? What I do and who I do it with doesn’t concern you.”