“Uh, no,” I murmur.

“No. You called me at one thirty in the morning for her number because nothing is wrong,” she says flatly.

“Listen, I’m sorry it’s so late, but I really need her number. Can you give it to me?” I ask as politely as I can.

She exhales…loudly but rattles off her number.

“Thanks,” I tell her before hanging up.

I dial the number and it goes to voicemail. I’m about to try again when Tate calls. He tells me one of the cows we’ve been keeping a watch on has been in labor for over three hours, and he needs me to help. I hang up after telling him I’m on my way. For now, Brittney will have to wait.

Matteo walks in behind me after opening the door of the room he reserved for me tonight. It closes softly behind him. I’m suddenly extremely aware of how alone I am with this man. I glance over to a fireplace crackling in the living room. This isn’t a hotel; this is something more akin to a luxury suite or condo.

The fireplace is beautiful, as is the kitchen to the left. A person could live here. The décor is modern, but cozy with neutral colors. On the coffee table, a bottle of what must be wine or champagne sits on ice. Two glasses are beside it. I swallow hard.

His fingertips graze my shoulder as he takes my coat. “I hope this room is to your liking.”

I face him. “Any room would’ve been fine as long as it didn’t have bugs. Or spiders. I can’t stand spiders.”

He laughs. “Only the best for our new artist.” His lopsided grin tips up his lips as he stares at me intently.

“You’re awfully confident I’ll be signing these documents,” I say as I hold up the envelope.

He moves closer. “You will, love.”

I bite my lip as he watches me. “I wouldn’t be so sure. It’s a lot to think about. A big decision.”

He wets his lips and proceeds to get so close he’s not more than a breath away. “What is there to think about? I can give you everything you could ever want. Make any dream a reality. All you have to do is trust me and sign the contract.”

I step back to put some distance between us. Something about being alone with this man feels threatening suddenly. He’s confusing me. I shouldn’t blindly trust him, but I need something more…more than what I have now. And he’s holding the key to what may be the beginning of my new forever—a life I choose. No one telling me I can’t anymore, or I’m not good enough.

I tip my chin up so I can see his eyes clearly. “Say I sign…what if I decide I want out?”

He smiles even wider with gleaming eyes. “You won’t want to do that, but there are ways out.”

I bite the inside of my cheek as I walk to where the chilled bottle for two sits, and he’s right behind me. I pick up the empty flute and hold it up. “Maybe we should celebrate, then.”

He doesn’t break eye contact as he opens the bottle and pours the champagne in my glass, and then his. “Does that mean you’ll sign?”

“I think so. As long as you promise me there’s a way out if I need it, I don’t see what I have to lose.”

“Are you sure? This makes me irrevocably happy. But I thought you wanted to read over it and maybe have a lawyer take a look.” Is this a trick question? He is, after all, the one pushing me to sign.

“I’m sure. You said I could trust you, right?” I ask.

“Yes,” he tells me without hesitation.

“Then let’s do this.” I hold my champagne flute out as he clinks his to mine.

“To new beginnings and chasing dreams,” I say before taking a sip. He watches me thoughtfully as his gaze drops to my throat.

“To having it all.” He sips his drink with slightly narrowed eyes.

I put my flute back down before taking a seat on the couch, then I open the envelope. I lightly glance over the contract, and from what little I read, it seems in order. I’m sure I can still have someone read it over if anything seems sketchy later. Besides, who am I to say no to someone willing to hand me my dreams? On the last page, there’s fine print as there is with pretty much anything you sign and agree too. Terms and words no one understands anyway.

He’s still standing as he hands me a pen, and I stare at the signature line for a few seconds with a pounding heart and then I quickly sign my name. I glance back at him and there’s something I can only describe as triumph on his face. His eyes are sparkling, and his chin is elevated.

I hand him his pen, then he takes my hand as I stand back up. “I’d love to get to know you better, Brittney.”