She gets our drinks and sets them down on napkins in front of us before checking on other customers. Tate stares at me with his brows drawn together. “Now you really look like something’s wrong.”

I run a hand down my short beard. I throw back the whiskey in front of me. “Yeah, you could say that.”

I should’ve known Matteo wouldn’t back down. And I’m sure my less than warm morning-regrets note didn’t help. All I can do now is wait and see her when she gets back and pray she doesn’t do something stupid like I did and trust a Leone.

Matteo sends me a charming smile when he sees me at the bar waiting on my drink. He’s a very handsome man, but there’s an edge to him, something right beneath the surface I can’t put my finger on yet. He sidles up to me like he owns the place, and in this instance, I guess he does. Fantasiais his business. But a chill runs down my spine because he puts off vibes like he owns me too, and he doesn’t. No man does.

“Brittney.” He leans in close enough for me to see flecks of gold in his dark eyes. He lifts my hand to his lips and presses a kiss to my knuckles. Not once does he break eye contact.

“Matteo, it’s good to see you again.” On the outside I’m cool and collected, but inside I’m shivering in anticipation and a little anxiety if I’m being honest.

“I was afraid you’d forgotten all about me,” he says lightheartedly and casually laughs.

I turn my body on the chair toward his. “You’re kinda hard to forget.”

His smile gets bigger, showing off a dimple I hadn’t noticed in his right cheek. “So are you. Can I get you something to drink, love?”

I try to ignore his last comment about me being unforgettable. I know he’s flirting with me and I’m unsure how to respond to it. I can hear Hawk’s deep voice warning me,“Brittney, he’s dangerous.”But I can’t trust his words, I need to learn to trust myself. And there’s something about this handsome man that makes me think I can believe him.

The bartender places my drink in front of me about the time I start to answer. “I’ve got a drink, but thanks.” I hold up the glass holding my whiskey sour before taking a sip.

He glances at the bartender and says, “Give her anything she wants tonight. She’s with me.”

The man behind the bar nods and Matteo takes my hand. “Come with me, love. I’m going to make all your dreams come true.” I’m silent as he leads me through the crowd and to a lighted staircase. Somehow, I get the sensation I’m about to get into bed with the devil. He climbs the steps still holding my hand.

When we reach the top, he heads toward a fancy nook in the back with dark red cushioned seats. The walls inside the nook are padded with the same dark red cushion. The lights are dim up here, but still bright enough to see clearly.

Once we’re seated, I place my drink on a small table in front of us. Something tells me I shouldn’t bait him, but I’m about to anyway. “What is it you think you know about my dreams?” I hold his gaze ready for some bullshit answer.

He faces me and our knees touch. He smiles at me like the Cheshire Cat fromAlice in Wonderland. His eyes twinkle and his smile turns up the corner of his lips. It’s an almost mischievous look. He flips my hand over, so the soft part of my wrist is exposed and he begins to run his thumb over it gently sending chills up my arm. It’s a gesture someone would expect from someone they know…intimately. Not from someone they basically just met.

“I know you dream of singing your songs. I know the song you sang when you first came here was personal to you—someone broke an important promise, and in doing so, shattered your heart. I know you dream of something more. I know you have walls around that beautiful heart of yours, and I know you secretly dream someone will choose you…fight for you.” Something in his gaze shifts. His pupils dilate as he glances from my eyes to my slightly parted lips. He keeps tracing patterns on my wrist with one thumb and his other reaches up and touches my bottom lip. He tugs on it slightly.

My heart starts pounding erratically in my chest as he leans in closer. It’s fluttering like this because of physical attraction to this man, but my heart beat this way the other night because of Hawk and whatused to existbetween us. Guilt blooms in my chest as I remember the taste of Hawk’s lips on mine and the feel of him taking what’s always belonged to him, but I quickly tuck it away as I remember the note he left me. I’m nothing to him, and he should be nothing to me. What do Itrulyhave to feel guilty about?

He’s so close I can feel his breath on me. “You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now, Brittney Jameson.”

“I don’t think it’s wise to mix business with pleasure,” I say barely above a whisper, not fully knowing what I’ll do if he makes his move.

“But, love, your body says otherwise.” His fingers encircle the wrist he was caressing so his pointer and middle finger presses into my radial artery. “I can feel how wild your heartbeat is for me.”

I’m about to give in to this impulse…this crazy feeling when someone clears their throat.

“Matty, aren’t you going to at least introduce me to this woman you claim is so talented before you make out with her?” A female voice sounds over the music and the pulsing beat in my ears.

He closes his eyes and huffs. “Hi, Ellie. You’re early.”

I glance at the woman in front of us. She’s taller than me by a few inches. She’s slender and gorgeous. She shares the same eyes with Matteo, so I assume this is his sister, the woman he wanted me to meet. Her dark hair is shoulder length and wavy. I’ve never seen a woman’s makeup be so on point.

She crosses her arms and glares at her brother. “Are you going to introduce us?”

Matteo and I both stand, and this pretty woman finally turns all her attention on me. She smiles and it’s meant to be genuine, but there’s something fierce in her gaze. Her eyes are wider than what a real smile allows.Strange.

She reaches to shake my hand, and when our hands join, her grip is almost painful. “We’re going to be good friends, Brittney. I can already tell.”

“Uh, Matteo says you might be able to convince me working with your family’s label would be beneficial for all involved,” I say unsure of how I should respond to her friendly comment. This woman isn’t staring at me like a potential business deal or friend, she’s studying me like a lioness stalking her prey. The hair stands on the back of my neck.

“It most definitely will be good for everyone. We like to help people get to where they belong. Your talent belongs here with us, my darling. I can see that straight away.” She releases my hand and sits, so Matteo and I do the same. I only take my eyes off her for a second to get a glimpse of Matteo. He’s smirking at her. What the hell for?