“If we don’t have much time left, I want you to make me yours tonight. We’ve been talking about it and making promises for weeks. There’s no time better than now. Why wait?” I ask.

His eyebrows furrow. “There’s no rush. I don’t want to take something from you that you’re not ready to give. I’ll come back as often as I can to see you. This needs to happen when you’re truly ready. I don’t want you to do it because I’m leaving.”

I swing my leg over his lap and staddle him before wrapping my arms around his neck. I close my eyes as I feel him harden beneath me. I pull him to me and lose myself in his kiss. “I trust you, Hawk. If you’re ready, I’m ready. Besides, I can’t let you leave without memories of me pulling you back here.”

He kisses my forehead and then the tip of my nose. “Nothing could keep me away from you for long.”

My bedroom door flies open. I scoot back to get off Hawk’s lap, but before I can, Mandy bursts through the door. “Hey, Britt. Caleb called for you again.” Her pale blue eyes take in the scene in my bedroom. Hawk and I are fully clothed, still I feel naked with my sister’s prying gaze on us.

Hawk glances at Mandy before raising a brow and letting his questioning gaze fall back on me. Heat climbs up my neck. Caleb is Mandy’s friend who had a crush on me before we moved back home. I won’t lie, he’s handsome and we flirted. We even made out a couple times, but it never went further. I didn’t trust something about him, so I stopped it.

“Oh. Um, we don’t have anything to talk about,” I tell her, hoping she’ll drop it and get out of my room. No such luck.

She crosses her arms under her breasts pushing them up higher as if trying to attract Hawk’s attention. “Sure you do. It was only a few months ago before we moved home, I walked in on you making out with him just like you’re doing right now with Hawk.”

Anger rushes through my veins. “You can leave now.”

“What should I tell him, then?” she asks so sweetly it almost gags me.

“I don’t know, Mandy. Tell him whatever you want. He’s your friend, not mine.”

She flashes another glance at Hawk before smiling at me and leaving my room.

I stare after where she disappeared through my door.

“You made out with some guy who won’t stop calling you? I thought I was getting all your firsts,” Hawk says playfully.

I swat at his shoulder in the same manner. “That doesn’t count. You get the important firsts. Besides, I know I’m not the first girl you’ve kissed or made out with.”

He stands with me and gently pulls my face to him gripping my chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing me to turn away from where I faced off with my sister, then he drops a kiss on my lips. “I’m getting your important firsts tonight, then. Only if you’re ready. Really, Brittney. I’d never forgive myself for being with you in that way if you’re not. It’s okay if you aren’t. I’m perfectly happy spending time holding you, and kissing you, and simply being beside you.”

“Tonight. It’s you and me. I’ll give you everything,” I promise.

I’m jarred awake by my phone ringing. I slap at my nightstand without looking in search of the offending noise. When I connect with it, I read the caller ID. I don’t have the number programmed into my phone, but I recognize it’s a Nashville area code. It’s ten in the morning. I can’t believe I slept this late.

I sit up and realize I’m completely naked. The memory of being with Hawk last night wakes me up like being doused in ice water. I keep losing control with a man I should hate, but somehow, I can’t hate him enough to keep him out of my bed. He wanted to have a chance to show me how it’s supposed to be. And boy, did he ever! But I glance around my bedroom, and of course, he’s gone. No trace left, except…

A note on the other pillow. We fell asleep together, and he must’ve left sometime in the middle of the night. I grab the note and read the chicken scratch he calls handwriting.


Thanks for last night. I promise I won’t bother you anymore now that I made up for my mistake. Take care of yourself. I’ll see you around.


Anger and humiliation fight for first place. I crumple the note into a ball and throw it. Of all the nerve! I guess he proved me wrong…I can hate him! What kind of arrogant jerk leaves a note like that? Someone who doesn’t care about you in the slightest even if it felt like it with each kiss and each touch. How could I be so naïve?

Tears burn my eyes as I feel sorry for myself. But then I snap out of it. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry over him again. I grab my phone and listen to the voicemail.

“Hi, Brittney. This is Matteo Leone. I know you said you needed some time to think about accepting any kind of offer from us, but we’d love you to come back to Fantasia. My sister runs the club and the record label with me and may be able to put you more at ease with our offer. Call me back when you get a chance.”

What do I have to lose? The only thing keeping me in this town is Briella and, some days, my mom. And it’s only a two-hour drive. I get out of bed and wrap the sheet around me as I walk into the living room with my phone. I hit callback on Matteo’s number, and he answers on the second ring.

“Brittney! So glad you called back. I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.”

“Nope, just purging some old memories. I listened to your message, and I think I’d like the chance to meet your sister. You’re right, I’d like to hear what she has to say that might convince me this is the right move,” I tell him.

His deep laughter vibrates through the phone. “Perfect. How about you come to Fantasia tomorrow night…say eight o’clock?”