“Don’t be nervous. It’s going to be fine,” Lucy says as we’re walking to Sterling and Ivie’s backyard for their gender reveal party. It’s afternoon and they’re having a small bonfire this evening. Right at dark, they’re shooting one firework to tell us all the reveal so the sky will light up either blue or pink.

“I can’t help it. My parents are coming. They’re meeting you, Dad’s meeting Foster. It’s…a lot. A lot is changing…tonight,” I reply anxiously.

Sterling is in the back yard, getting things ready for tonight. “Hey man, can I talk to you for a minute?” I ask quickly.

Sterling waves me into a chair on the patio as Lucy kisses my cheek and goes inside to find Ivie. “Have a seat,” he offers and gestures toward the nearest chair. I do and begin to bounce my leg nervously.

He looks at me, waiting on me to start. “Uh, is Bree here too?” I ask.

“Yeah, I think she’s inside with that friend of Dean’s…Drew something.” I nod.

“I need her here for this too. There is something between us three I want to talk to you about.” I explain. His brows furrow but he gets up and goes to the back door for her.

When he turns around to come back, Bree is on his heels. “Tater, you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she says as she sits on the other side of me.

“I’ve got something to tell you both. I hope you can forgive me for not telling you sooner but, I’m your cousin.” I nervously take out the letter Grady wrote me and hand it to Sterling.

They both sit there with their mouths open. “Hell, can you please say something?” I ask.

Bree stands and hops on top of me, finding the ticklish spot in my ribs only her and Sterling know about. I laugh and yell, “Mercy!”

She laughs as she squishes my face in her hands. “I kinda thought you favored us. I guess it’s because you are one of us!” She turns my head and raspberries my cheek before standing and pulling me up with her. She wraps her arms around me in a hug. “I love it. And I love you, Tater.” She steps back as we take in Sterling.

He takes a step closer and pulls me in for a hug. “This has got to be the strangest, but coolest news ever,” he says as he releases me, smiling ear to ear.

I let out a huge breath, relieved by his reaction. “I’m glad you feel that way. That’s one reason I wanted my parents to come tonight. Dad is ready to tell your dad. He has a letter from Grady to him explaining the situation. Grady said that was his gift to him, to let him tell Foster when he was ready. This is what had my dad so messed up. But he’s doing so much better now, and ready to move on.”

A little later, Sterling’s parents showed up and so did mine, with my sister in tow too. The meeting between my dad and Foster went so much better than I thought it would and now they’re making plans to do normal things together like go fishing. I don’t know why I doubted it though, Foster is a good man.

It’s almost dark and Mom walks over to where I’m leaning over the deck rail, taking it all in. “She’s lovely, son. I couldn’t have handpicked someone better for you if I tried.”

I smile and bring my water to my lips, taking a drink. “She’s kinda perfect.”

I see her talking with my little sister, Ivie, and Bree. They’re all laughing, eyes dancing with happiness.

Sterling is talking to Dean and Drew and the look he gives Drew is harmless but meant to intimidate anyone who dares to date his little sister.

“Can we expect to have a daughter-in-law anytime soon?” Mom whispers.

My eyes find Lucy’s again and she winks at me. I stand to my full height and kiss my mom’s cheek. “I sure hope so.” Mom puts her hand over her heart and smiles.

“I’m so happy for you. That’s all a mother wants for her kids, for them to be happy. And you found it.” She hugs me and takes off to go see Sterling’s mom.

Lucy sees I’m free and meets me at the firepit we recently lit. “There’s my firecracker.” I pull her into my arms and sway to the music playing softly around the pit.

Lucy nips at my bottom lip and says, “I told you not to be nervous.”

I laugh. “You did.”

Suddenly, Sterling whistles. “Okay guys. We appreciate each one of you for being here to celebrate our baby tonight. This night has been full of good surprises, so let’s add one more to the list.” He takes Ivie’s hand, and they walk several yards away and then Sterling lights the firework. When it explodes, the night sky is lit in pink.

I can see them in the distance embracing, probably shedding a few tears with all they’ve gone through. This baby is a surprise miracle for them. I couldn’t be happier for them.

Lucy turns to me. “You want to make one of those one day?”

I press my lips to hers. “I do. That’ll be part of our love story, I promise.”

“Good, because as much as we make love, there’s no hiding from it.” The sound of her laugh is one of my favorite things about our story.