“Taylor, we’re over. I was done a long time ago. We should’ve ended cold turkey when I first found out you cheated on me. And then even when the abuse started, I gave you chance after chance. You promised you changed, and you wouldn’t do it again. I don’t care if you’re sincere now or not. I believe you think you are, but you’re not. Regardless, we are through.”

He sits beside me on the bed. “You love me, Lucy. I know you do.”

I shake my head as the tears fall. “I don’t…not anymore.”

“Don’t say that.” His eyebrows slam together.

“I won’t lie to you. I never have. I don’t love you anymore. I loved who you used to be, before the cheating and the hitting and the drinking. You killed my love for you, Taylor. I meant it when I said I’d love you forever, but sometimes forever doesn’t last when only one person is trying,” I say, and even if it’s true…I don’t love him anymore and haven’t for some time. The part of me who loved the person he used to be is mourning who I wish he was. Who he started out as.

He brushes my hair back gently. “I’ll make you fall back in love with me again, then. I know you still care.” He leans in like he’s going to kiss me, and I recoil. He kisses my forehead instead.

“You can’t make me love you again. You’re too late, Taylor. You gave me up a long time ago. Now it’s time for you to let me go. If you truly love me like you say you do, you will.”

He smiles sadly. “I do love you, but I’m sorry, I’m not going to let you go. And you’ll stay here with me and make this work and tell everyone we’re happily back together. If you don’t, it won’t be good for Tate, or anyone you love, honestly.” He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a knife.

He cuts the ties, and my hands fall. “Why are you untying me now?” I ask suspiciously while rubbing my wrists which are already raw and bruising. He’s too calm, too sure I won’t run.

“Because you won’t leave, not after what I just told you. I may not lift a hand to you ever again, but the same isn’t true for everyone else if you don’t stay.” He stands and throws the ties in the trash near the door. “You’ll learn to love me again, and the sooner you do, the happier we’ll all be. Oh, and the windows are nailed shut and have sensors on them, so if you do try something, you won’t get far. But it’d be in everyone’s best interest for you to be a good girl.” He winks before closing the door.

I stand and walk the room. Not sure what my next move is. I sure as hell won’t let him hurt anyone else because of me. I’ll let him believe he’s won for now, but I won’t let him keep me here. I don’t know how I’m getting out of this or how to make him stay away from me and everyone I love just yet, but I know I’ll do anything to protect them all. I only hope Tate can forgive me.

Iglance at my watch for the millionth time since I talked to Lucy almost an hour ago. If my gut was tapping me on the shoulder before to let me know something was wrong, it’s screaming in my face now. We rented out the restaurant for Sterling and Ivie’s surprise engagement party. Everyone who’s supposed to be here,ishere…except Lucy.

I scoot my chair back and head to the restroom and try to call her. One ring, two, three…her voicemail picks up. “Damn it.” I mutter and run my hand over my face.

Sterling is at my side in an instant. “What’s wrong? You’ve been white as a ghost the last thirty minutes,” he says squeezing my shoulder. “And don’t lie to me or say you can’t tell me. You can tell me anything.”

I stare at the wall for a moment before turning to him. “I don’t know where Lucy is. She should’ve been here by now. I’m so stupid. I should’ve gone to her mom’s with her even if she didn’t want me to. But I didn’t want to make her feel like I was trying to control her.”

“Wait, hold on. Control her?” he asks, concern etched on his face.

Rhett takes notice, so does Ivie. They both start our way and I lean closer to Sterling. “Listen, there’s a lot I should’ve told you, but she made me promise not to. Long story short, Taylor’s been abusing her for years, and he’s been stalking her. That’s why she was at my house at first. When Jade kidnapped Ivie and Lucy in November, Lucy was banged up pretty bad, but it was because of what Taylor had done to her first. No one questioned it, no one but me because I’ve been in love with her since I met her. And now, what if he got to her?”

He steadies me with his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look at him. “It’s not going to end like that. You hear me? I wish you would’ve told me, hell I wish she would’ve told me, but I can help now. You’ve called her but no answer?”

“Right.” I confirm as Rhett and Ivie make it to us. “Have you tried her mom and Steve?” I shake my head no. Ivie pulls out her phone and calls Lucy’s mom, already knowing if something is wrong with me, it’s because Lucy isn’t here. She walks away as she talks to her while we all wait.

Rhett looks me over, sizing me up. “What’s going on with my daughter?” he says in the deep, booming voice he used in the courtroom when he was still the judge. I swallow and decide to rip off the bandage.

“Well, first off, I’m in love with her. Second, she’s been hiding a dangerous secret and I stupidly let her convince me not to tell. Now, I can’t reach her, and she should’ve been here by now.”

He closes his eyes and whispers, “Oh, Lucy.” When he opens them, I’m met with the eyes of a parent whose love knows no bounds and whose soul is sick with worry.

Ivie returns to our makeshift circle as the rest of the guests mingle. Rayna slides in beside her. Ivie says, “She didn’t go to her mom’s. Now her and Steve are both worried sick and are going to try and find her. They’re loading up now in case she had an accident or something.” Ivie chews her lip as Rayna rubs her back.

Sterling looks at Rhett. “I can try to locate her cell, but…”

Rhett cuts him off. “Do it. There’s no time.” Sterling puts a call into dispatch and waits a few moments before getting a notification.

He taps some things on his smartphone and the lines in his forehead get deeper.

“What is it?” I ask as my heart kicks into overdrive.

“Does she have a smart watch too?” he asks.

I nod. He looks at me and then Rhett. “We need to go, now.”Shit.

Sterling kisses Ivie and tells her to stay put; she’s in no condition to leave and get involved in a situation like this. Sterling grabs Dean and Briella, and then briefly tells his parents something. Briella already has her serious face on, and so does Dean. Not sure I’ve seen that look on him more than once.