“Oh, shit. Lucy—” she cuts me off again with a kiss as she starts to ride me. I’m lost to any arguments at this point, even if in the back of my mind I’m worried I’ll somehow hurt her by letting this happen. I watch as her beautiful tits bounce and I run my hands over them, feeling her nipples tighten as my thumbs brush over them. She rides me until I can’t take it anymore.

I flip her on her back without losing our connection and love her like a starved man, placing kisses from her neck to her breasts and back again. When I feel her tighten around me, I let her ride out her pleasure before I thrust two more times and pull out, spilling myself on her stomach.

She stares at me, a little breathless and through hooded eyes. “Tate, I needed you. If anything,Itook advantage ofyou.Don’t you dare treat me like I’ll break. I may not have all the answers right now, but I promise, being with you isn’t something I question. I know you don’t want anything more, which is fine. But I needed to feel you.”

She leaves me speechless as she slips her thong down her toned legs before walking to my bathroom blissfully naked, cleans herself up and crawls back beneath the covers. I pull her back into my chest and hold her, skin to skin, until her breathing becomes heavy. I kiss her shoulder and try to fall asleep myself.

I didn’t correct her or tell her otherwise, but she couldn’t be farther from the truth. I do want more, but only with her. This is new for me—I haven’t wanted anyone like I want her. I’m not sure if she’s ready for that. Even though we just had sex, it feels like that was her way of putting up another wall and not letting herselffeel. It’s like she was using me to hide the pain…to hide from the ugly truth of what she’s been through. I’m going to need to be careful if I hope to have a chance with her. I can’t be the piece of tape hoping to stick but knowing I won’t. I have to be the glue that holds on and gives no choice but to be made whole again, even if the faintest of cracks can still be seen, the pieces are together…held by her strength and my love.

Tate left a note on his pillow saying he’d be back around noon and to make myself at home. I plant my feet firmly on the floor and stretch. Rocky lifts his head from where he was lying and yawns. “Me too, buddy.” He tilts his head at the sound of my voice and almost appears to be smiling.

I find my discarded T-shirt and thong from last night and slip it over my head before wandering into the kitchen to find coffee already brewed and waiting. “It would seem your dad is the perfect man when he does stuff like this,” I tell Rocky as I pour a cup and he does the little head tilt German Shepards do when they’re listening to you.

After enjoying my first cup, I take off to the guest room to change. I peel off my shirt and underwear from last night and catch sight of my reflection. I cringe when I notice the purple fingertip bruises on my arms from where Taylor grabbed me yesterday. This time, instead of crying, I feel a sense of renewed determination to free myself of him for good, dreams and all.

Once I’m dressed and put together, physically and emotionally, I know what my next step is. As much as I’d love to stay here with Tate and hide out, I can’t, for two reasons: One-hiding won’t solve anything. That’s a lesson I’ve learned the hard way. Two-I’ll keep falling head over heels for Tate if I stay, and I can’t let it happen…not more than it already has anyway.

I pull out my phone and call Dad. He answers on the first ring. “Hey honey.”

“Hey. I need to ask for a favor,” I blurt out nervously, biting my lip.

“Anything. What is it?” he says lightheartedly.

“You said you were coming home for me and Mom…but I assume you haven’t sold your house in Murfreesboro yet, right?”

“That’s right. Why?” he asks cautiously.

“I need to leave Greendale Valley for a while and I thought, if you didn’t mind, maybe I could stay at your place.” I’m still a case of nerves but I know this is the right move. I need to stand on my own and heal. Not to mention, if Taylor can’t find me, he’ll be forced to move on from me. He wouldn’t guess I’d be in Murfreesboro given the strained relationship I’ve had with my dad for so long.And I can protect my heart from Tate, my mind whispers.

“Sure, honey. You can stay there as long as you need. But are you okay? Anything I should know?” his voice morphs into the epitome of concern.

“I’m fine, Dad. Can I get the key from you now?”

“Yeah, I’m still at home…at your mom’s. She’s already left for work.”

“All right, I’m on my way then. I’ll see you in a few.” I hang up before he can ask anything else. I look at Rocky, who’s been watching me intently all morning.

“You wanna go for a ride, Rocky?” His ears perk up and his tail wags enthusiastically. I laugh and kneel to pet him. “Let’s do it, then.”

I let myself into Mom’s house. Dad is at the kitchen table with the newspaper and a cup of coffee. This sight takes me back to life before all the secrets and my biggest worry was studying for a history test and what I was doing on Friday night.

“Hey,” I greet him.

“Hi, honey. You want some coffee?” He starts to stand but I wave him off.

“No thanks, I’ve had some. I can’t stay long. I have Rocky with me.”

“Who’s Rocky? A new boyfriend?” a brow quirks up and I can’t help but laugh.

“No, he’s my friend’s dog…a German Shepard.”

Dad grins and chuckles. “You always had a soft spot for dogs.”

“I still do.” I can’t help but smile. I’ve missed him so much. He stands and pulls keys out of his pocket. He slides one off his key ring and hands it to me.

“Here’s the key, it’s the same for the front and back door. I’ll text you the alarm code.”

I take the key and silently pray I’m making the right decision. “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate this.”