“Uh, where are you going with my stuff?”

He stops and turns so he can see me. I slowly stand, never taking my eyes away from his.

“Just because we slept together, doesn’t mean I’m staying in your room with you. I said I’d stay here for a few days to figure things out, that’s all,” I say to him even if I can hear my own heart crack at the words. His face falls, but why? I don’t know what his reasons are, but he’s made it clear he can’t love me. It’d be foolish to assume our night together changed anything.

I’m trying to protect both our hearts here and be rational. I can tell something’s holding him back from opening up, but I’m sure I won’t ever know what. His walls are thicker than mine ever dreamed of being…and with all that’s happened to me with Taylor…that’s saying a lot. Still, a big part of me wishes he’d tell me his secrets like I told him mine.

“Lucy…” he starts, his eyes look pained, but he quickly recovers. “Sure thing. I’m going to put your stuff in there and then we can have dinner. I can cook or we can go to High Road if you want.” He offers a small smile before turning into the guest room.

He steps back out and heads in my direction. Before he says anything, I put my purse back on my shoulder. “We can go to High Road. I owe you for helping me today—with Taylor and my window. It’s my treat,” I shoot him my sweetest smile.

He leans in so close I think he’s going to kiss me, and his eyes darken with desire. “It’s sweet of you to offer, but love, you don’t owe me anything. Please…trust me and know I’m going to take care of you.”

When I think he’s moving in for what will probably be a panty melting kiss, he places his lips gently on my forehead. If it’s possible, it may have melted my insides more than his lips touching mine.Why? Why can’t this man open his heart to me?His actions say he wants to, but he still doesn’t attempt to shed any light on what’s going on in that handsome head of his.

This hot and cold and unexpected tenderness from him is going to be the death of me.

“Come on, we’ll take my truck, I need to check in with Hawk before I leave.”

We sit in a booth and read over the menu. Hawk came with us, which may or may not be slightly awkward. I can feel him casting glances at me and I can see Tate looking at him out of the corner of my eye, sizing up his right-hand man. Brittney hurries to our table, not bothering to look up until Hawk speaks. She drops her pen, and her mouth opens as if shocked, but she quickly recovers, scooping up her pen.

Now I’m curious about what Hawk’s been up to all these years, because he seems rattled by her presence as well. I think they may have been neighbors growing up… A memory tickles the deepest recesses of my mind, but I’m quickly brought back to the here and now when Brittney simply asks for our orders. We tell her what we want, and she leaves. It seems I’m not the only curious one because Tate speaks up. “What was that about, Hawk? Do you know Brittney Jameson?”

Hawk must be clenching his teeth because I can see the muscles working in his jaw. “Yeah, we grew up together, but I haven’t seen her in years. I heard she worked here now but she’s never been here when I have.”

“Uh huh. Did y’all—”

Hawk cuts Tate off with one word and a glare. “Don’t.”

Tate lifts both hands in surrender.

Brittney returns with our drinks and quietly promises to bring our food out shortly. She doesn’t make eye contact with Hawk again. After our food comes out, we eat, making small talk. Tate and Hawk mostly talk about the ranch while I listen. I’ve always loved country life and the idea of living on a ranch, so this conversation has me effectively distracted from Taylor.

Until he walks in.I suck in my breath as he sidles up to the bar and orders a long neck. My food may make a second appearance. My reaction draws Tate’s attention, and he follows my line of sight to Taylor. He bristles and starts to stand but I grab his arm. Hawk turns his laser focus on us.

“Tate, what’s going on?” he asks, the light-hearted tone now missing from his voice. His eyes dart to me in question, one dark eyebrow quirked up.

“It’s nothing.” I almost whisper. Tate turns on me, eyes blazing with fury, so much he could probably spit nails. He pulls free from my grasp. “It’s time to leave.”

He stands and waits for me to slide out of the booth. Hawk stands too. “I need to tell Brittney something and pay the bill. Hawk, please take Lucy to the truck.”

Hawk pulls out a few bills for the tip, leaving them on the table and hands Tate enough to cover his part. He then puts his hand at the small of my back and leads me away from the bar and outside into the chilly night air. Before we’re all the way out the door, Taylor sees Tate and then he finds me. His cruel eyes burn every inch of my skin until Hawk and I are out of sight.

We stand near Tate’s truck, waiting for him to join us so we can leave. He forgot to give Hawk the keys and it’s locked. “What’s going on, Lucy? Why is Tate foaming at the mouth because Taylor walked in?”

The cold air seems to seep into my bones, and I start to shiver. I can barely keep my teeth from chattering as I speak. “It’s a long story, Hawk. I was with Taylor for a long time—too long. He’s having a hard time accepting we’re over.”

Hawk stares at me with furrowed brows. “And that’s it? That doesn’t explain Tate’s reaction.” He crosses his arms and eyes me suspiciously. I let out a breath and I can see it in the night air. I look down at my feet and my vision is blurred by tears. I hug myself and bite my lip before looking back up to meet Hawk’s questioning eyes.

Instead of hiding my tears, I let them track down my cheeks. I’m tired of hiding the truth, but I still can’t bring myself to tell anyone else besides Tate. I shake my head slightly staying quiet. Hawk’s features soften and he lets out a curse below his breath.

He moves closer to me and rubs his hands up and down my arms trying to warm me and reassure me at the same time. “Listen, I didn’t mean to pry. We all have things we’re not ready to share. Nonetheless, I’m here if you need a shoulder.” He pauses before adding, “You and Tate… I can see he cares about you. He’s a good man, Lucy, just be careful with your heart. He wouldn’t intentionally break it, but I’m not sure he’ll ever let anyone in. He’s like all of us—he has things he doesn’t share.”

With those words uttered out loud by someone else, my heart decides to betray me. I squeeze my eyes shut and lower my head once more, this time leaning on Hawk’s firm chest. He rubs my back, but doesn’t hug me, I’m sure out of respect for Tate and how it would look to him if he walked out and saw us. It would seem he may understand my situation, without me saying a damn thing. If I’m that transparent, I’m in trouble.

Brittney catches my eye as I approach the opposite side of the bar from Taylor. When he saw me, he searched for Lucy and found her with Hawk escorting her out. Lucky for him, he stayed seated, but made a show of watching her until she was out of sight. He then trained his angry stare on me.Bring it on.I’ll take the heat all day, every day to keep it off Lucy.

Brittney approaches and I give her money for our check. “Is everything okay?” she asks with concern etched on her face.