I walk up behind her and meet her uncertainty with my own confidence—at least on this subject. “Honey, that’ll make him love it even more. He’s the reason you have something to show. Trust me.” I wink at her and smack her on the butt in anatta girl kind of way. “Go get him, girl. Get your man!”

She glances back at her reflection and then at me. We both look so much alike, it’s hard to believe we didn’t know we were sisters all along. But I guess, in a sense, we knew because of how close we’ve always been.

Most of our bruises from the night with Jade are finally faded. Well, hers were from Jade, mine weren’t, but no one questioned it. Another luck of the draw for Taylor. I’m not sure how I would’ve explained it away this time.

After Ivie leaves, Rhett’s waiting for me. When I got there earlier, he told me we’d talk after Ivie left for the night. Rayna gets up from sitting beside Rhett. She sidles over and gives me a warm hug and then cups my face with both hands. “Lucy, you’re healing beautifully.” She tears up looking at me and I have to admit, I’m a little stunned. Rayna’s been good to me…always treated me like her own. She pulls me in close again and whispers, “You’re so much stronger and braver than you know, sweet girl. And you’re not alone.”

I feel tears gather in my eyes for what seems like the millionth time lately. I hug her back and nod into her hair. She releases me and wipes her thumbs under my eyes. “I’ll let you two talk. I’m here if you need anything.” She smiles at me lovingly and walks out, leaving me alone with Rhett.

I take in a shallow breath before turning to face him. He’s staring at me, concern evident on his handsome face. “Lucy, it’s good to see you. Rayna’s right, you look beautiful, as usual.” He shifts on the couch.

“Would you sit with me?” he asks quietly. As I search his face, I can’t believe I never saw our similarities either. Dark hair and green eyes…the same nose. I don’t answer I just sit beside him.

He turns to me and holds out his hand, silently asking me to take it. I place my small hand in his large one and he closes his fingers over mine gently. “Sweetheart, I’ve been worried about you. Now with the dust settled and I’m thinking more clearly, something has been bothering me.” I stay quiet, unsure where this is going.

“I don’t know how else to ask this, so I’m just going to ask. How did you get hurt the night you were kidnapped by Jade? I was so focused on you and Ivie being okay—out of the woods physically—and then the truth coming out and everyone’s been processing it, I didn’t think to ask you how you were injured. So, I’m asking now…how were you hurt? And was it Jade or was it someone else?”

My heart nearly stops. I didn’t think anyone would ask. They all blamed Jade and I let them. Tate’s the only one who questioned anything—the only one who knows the truth. I could barely tell him. I’m not sure I can have this talk with Rhett, my own dad.

He must sense my indecision because he adds, “You can tell me, sweetheart. You can tell me anything. I’m here for you, now and forever.” His eyes are kind and filled with hope. I know he’s hoping I’ll tell him the truth, but I can’t. No one else can know. I shouldn’t have told Tate, either.

“That night is a little fuzzy. I was hit and then I think I was drugged.” Not totally a lie— not a lie at all actually…Iwashit and drugged.It’s just not the whole truth.

He doesn’t believe me. I can see it written in his expression. He was a judge for years and his recent retirement hasn’t changed what’s ingrained in him. I’m sure he can sniff out a lie like a bloodhound. “I understand. If you think of anything or remember something, you’ll tell me?” he asks.

“Of course, Rhett. Why wouldn’t I?” I respond coolly.

His eyes narrow a fraction, and he looks wounded as if I unexpectedly drove a knife into his heart. “Okay sweetheart. I only want you to be okay and happy. I’ll do whatever I can to make sure you are.” He smiles at me now. “Can you stay for supper? We’re having chicken spaghetti; it was your favorite when you stayed over.”

I relax a little. “That sounds fantastic. I’d love to.” He stands and waits for me to rise. On impulse, I give him a hug.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. “Love you, Lucy.” I still don’t know how to respond, and he doesn’t push. He drapes his arm around my shoulder as we walk into the kitchen to the source of the mouthwatering aroma already waiting on us.

Tate and I arrived at High Road Bar after leaving Ivie alone with Sterling and he’s already beat me at a few games of pool. “How about those cheese fries now?” I elbow him as I put my pool stick back on the rack. “I’m starving.”

He flashes me his thousand-watt white smile and puts his stick on the mounted rack too. “Lead the way, princess.”

We head to a table, and I wave at Brittney Jameson. She’s one of the waitresses/bar tenders in this place. We went to high school together. She’s always been a looker, complete with the naturally sun-kissed blonde hair any girl would love to have, but she’s one of those girls who has personality to back up her gorgeous features. She’s also a bit of a badass, but in a good way.

She sweeps over to the table where we sit. “Hey Bree. What can I get you?” She speaks a little louder than normal so we can hear her over the music playing from the speakers mounted throughout the bar.

“We want to split an order of cheese fries and a couple beers, whatever you have on draft.” She nods at me before finding Tate and bright red colors her cheeks. I fight the urge to roll my eyes until she walks away. I haven’t seen her drool over a guy like she just did Tate. But Tate on the other hand, seems to be oblivious. This is new. He’s always flirting.

“What’s wrong with you?” I pin him with a piercing gaze.

He’d been staring into space, and I wave my hand in front of him. “Hello? Earth to Tate.”

He finally focuses on me. “Nothing. I’m fine.” He tries to smile but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes—this coming from the guy I grew up with who was constantly smiling, no matter how bad things were with his dad. I’ve never seen a hint of the look I see on his face at this moment.

“You’re a terrible liar, Tate.” I guffaw.

He looks at me as if debating whether to share what’s truly on his mind, and then the vulnerability disappears almost as soon as it surfaced. Brittney returns with two beers and a heaping plate of cheese fries. Tate glances at her this time. “Thanks, doll,” he says while winking at her, making her turn an even brighter crimson than before.

“Sure thing, babe,” she replies as she walks around him and runs her hand over his forearm.

His eyes don’t follow her, he simply dives in on the fries. I watch him, sizing him up before he notices. He finally says through a mouthful of fries, “What?”

“You gonna chase Brittney now? Call me crazy but I thought you had a thing for Lucy. I know you and your stupid ‘no commitment BS’ but I guess I thought you might change for Lucy.” I sigh dramatically before picking up some fries.