She closes her eyes briefly, still standing in front of me. She’s just the right height if she were to lean against my chest, I’d be able to rest my chin on the top of her head.

When her eyes open again, revealing their emerald color, I step a little closer. We’re almost touching now.

“Why are you doing this? I don’t understand. Why does this matter to you?” she asks as she searches my eyes for the truth I’m sure she needs to hear.

Because I’m enamored by you, because I want to get to know you, because there’s never been another girl to make me want to risk my heart and break all the rules I made for myself.But I can’t tell her any of those reasons.

I grab her chin gently with my thumb and pointer finger and tilt her face so she can make no mistake I care about her, even if I can’t say the words I know she wants to hear in this moment. “You matter to me. You matter to your sister and your family. If you won’t let them in, then let it be me. It has to be someone.”

I release her chin as a silent tear falls down her cheek. I quickly wipe it away letting my hand linger, as she turns her face into my touch.

“I can’t tell anyone, Tate. I don’t even know how. If I did, it would be worse.” She stares at me with fear.

I cup her face with both hands delicately, so I don’t hurt her where she’s still healing.

“You can trust me. Let me help you.”Please pretty girl, let me keep you safe.

“I don’t know if—” She’s cut off by a knock at the door and tenses up.

I start for the door, but she pulls on my arm, uncertain. I pull away from her grasp and open her front door, only to see the man I’ll soon hunt down… Taylor.

He clenches his jaw when he sees me. “Where’s Lucy?”

“She’s here. Can I help you?” I say through almost gritted teeth.

“Lucy!” he calls past me.

I feel her step around the door to where he can see her. “What do you want, Taylor?”

He starts to step in, but I block his path. “I wanted to check on you and make sure you were all right. I heard what happened with Jade.”

“I’m fine,” she says quickly, without taking her eyes off him, lifting her chin slightly.

“We need to talk. Privately,” he rushes out.

“I don’t think so, Taylor. We’re all talked out,” she counters back.

Taylor makes another move closer, and I step to him. “She said no. I think you should leave.”

He narrows his eyes slightly. “I’ll call you, Lucy.” He turns and walks back to his truck parked on the street. I don’t move from the door until his taillights disappear from view.

Shutting the door behind me, I turn and face Lucy, noticing the tremble of her chin as she fights tears.

“Pack a bag. You’re coming home with me for a while.” I watch as her eyes widen at my demand.

“I can’t just go home with you, Tate. I’m not gonna run. If I do, I won’t stand a chance at getting my life back. I need to stand on my own two feet. I can do this.”

“I don’t doubt your strength, Lucy. But right now, this is fresh, you need to be somewhere he can’t reach you. You need to feel safe. Let me give you that.”

She hugs herself while contemplating my offer, brows drawn together.

“But I need to clean up my bedroom. I can’t leave it. I’ve left it too long as it is. That’s what I planned to do tonight, but I didn’t know where to start.”

I close the space separating us and take one of her hands in mine, rubbing smalls circles on the top of it. “I’ll help you. Then will you please pack a bag and stay with me for a while? At least until you’re healed and feel more solid.”

She nods. “Okay, let’s clean up your room and then we’ll leave.”

We both go into her bedroom, and I assess the damage, again. She eyes her bed. It’s a mess too. She goes over to pull the sheets off as a new feeling of dread settles in my gut.What else did he do to her? Did he force himself on her?