Page 55 of A Divided Heart

He dropped his hands from the steering wheel and looked at me as if I was crazy, and maybe I was. "I'm not coming in, Lucky. I didn't know… you should have told me. I look like an idiot being here.”

"It's just a place to live. It doesn't change anything with us."

“Uh yeah, it does. Your house, I was okay there. This place..." He tilted his head up and looked over the four-story structure. "This place has its own guard shack for fuck’s sake. You think they're going to let your side piece in?"

"It's fine, Lee. You can come and go any time you want."

“Yeah, Anytime he's not here. Fuck that." A heavy sigh whistled through his lips, and he turned to face me. “You know, I’m never gonna be able to give you this. Shit, I'm never gonna be able to give you anything."

"I don't need you to." I shook my head, and tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. "I only need you to love me.” The word was scary, our relationship focused on the physical, and while he had used the word before—I love fucking you, I love you like this, I love the feel of your mouth on my dick—he had never said that he lovedme. Or that he was in lovewithme. It was a different, deeper concept.

"Love you?" He looked away, toward the peek of ocean that was visible through the bougainvillea gardens and laughed softly—wistfully—before pulling his gaze back to me. "Lucky, loving you is not my problem. Right now, it feels like the only reason I’m alive.”

I lost a heartbeat, crawled over the center console, sat in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed him in full view of the guard shack and a threesome of movers whom I'd never see past next week. His hands slid down my body and squeezed my ass while his mouth roughly claimed my own. I pulled off, panting, and stared into his eyes. "I love you too."

"All the good that does us."

"Come inside," I begged. "You can christen the house, fuck me in every room. Make it yours."

His chest muscles tightened underneath my hands. "Hasn't he already done that?"

I smiled against his mouth and took a final kiss. "Not in any way," I whispered.

"I take back any time I ever called him smart." He wrapped his arms around me and shouldered open the door, then carried me out of the truck. Setting me gently on the pavers, he closed the heavy vehicle door and looked warily at Windere’s massive main structure. "Rich prick," he muttered, resisting when I pulled him forward, his movement reluctant as he climbed the wide entrance steps. A female mover passed us on the way and flashed a professional smile at each of us. "Ms. Fairmont. Mr. Sharp."

I felt the stumble in Lee's step and pulled him through the open front door.

"She thought I was Brant," he said, glancing over his shoulder at the woman.

“He hasn't been here yet. The movers will assume it, unless you tell them otherwise. Just hide from anyone not with the moving company.” I stopped in the four-story entrance hall and surveyed the great room to the left, where four movers moved in quick concert, moving items into place and unwrapping the giant pieces of art that our designer had promised would be perfect for the space. Interior decorating was one thing I actually enjoyed, and I had big plans for the house—but the space was overwhelming, so we had agreed that she would handle the main house initially, and I would do the master bedroom and the beach house. Once those were complete, I could add my touches and changes to the rest of Windere, one room at a time.

"You're saying I can fuck you right here and none of them will be the wiser?" He pushed me against the closest column, his body flush and hard against mine.

I giggled and pulled away. "Behave," I mouthed, stepping into the great room and tapping the arm of the closest worker.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Fairmont." The man looked up with a wide smile, his mustache accentuating the gesture. “How are you?”

“I'm good, thank you. We’d like some privacy for a couple of hours. Can you find Ann and have her clear the house of staff?"

“Of course, of course." The man turned to the others and barked out a string of directions. Everyone moved without hesitation, heading for the front door.

We waited for a moment, as the level quickly cleared of bodies.

Lee’s eyebrows rose. "Does everyone do everything you tell them to do?"

I leaned back against the closest wall and pulled him back before me. "Kiss me."

His eyes darkened and he obeyed, his body slamming against mine, his mouth hard and possessive as he groped me through the thin cotton of my sundress. "I guess that's a yes," he muttered against my mouth.

"Yes," I agreed. "Now, take me eight ways to Sunday."

"Yes, Ms. Fairmont," he drawled, lifting up my sundress and yanking down my panties in one confident motion. "With pleasure."

Chapter 56

I know you don't understand.

I know you hate me.