Page 18 of A Divided Heart

Waves upon waves, the sounds from my mouth senseless, unmeaning. I arched against his hand, humped it like an animal in heat, my body exploding around his finger, the perfect flick of his fingers making my legs kick out, the glimpse of his face, dark intensity, his cock, hard and ready, and I tried to savor it as it stretched, beautiful insanity that turned my world into stars and my body into a constellation. Before I fell from the sky, at the moment when my breath began to catch and my eyes flicked open, he shoved inside of me, and I lost it again.

Hard, fast. He fucked me as if he hated me, but the words spilling out were nothing but love. He bent over me and dug his hands into my hips, holding me tightly in place. As he pumped away, the urgency in his movements carried me higher, spurring my pleasure. This was for him, and that made it for me, knowing that the loss of his control was a gift, a rarity that only I could see. I wrapped my legs around his waist and dug my heels into him as I raked my nails across his chest.

When he came, it was intense, one hand tight to my neck, the other squeezing the meat of my ass, pulling me tighter, as if he would never get enough—be deep enough, be one enough—of me. He thrust fully in, moaned my name, and shuddered through the final fucks of his orgasm.

"I love you so much," he whispered and lifted me, keeping his cock inside, spinning with me until he was on the chair and I was on top, stretched out over his body, my chest against his chest, the quick beat of our hearts off sync.

"I love you too, baby."

Outside, I heard the roll of thunder. A storm was coming.

Chapter 15

"When's the event?" Brant took a sip of ice water, his eyes catching the waiter's, the man scurrying to his side with the bill.

"Next Tuesday. I'll call you that afternoon and remind you." Jillian set down her fork, relaxing back in her chair, her hands smoothing the napkin on her lap.

"I'm not sixteen. I can remember a dinner. Though, if you let me have an assistant, you could stop worrying entirely. She could tie my shoesandget me to work on time."

His aunt's face softened. "You know you're forgetful."

"You don't have time to keep me organized. You're a busy woman. The company needs you more than I do." He pulled a credit card from his wallet and dropped it on the bill, pushing the folio to the edge of the table.

"You're not busy enough to need an assistant. And I don't want some stranger thumbing through the details of our lives. You and I have looked after each other for twenty years. No need to change any of that now.”

Brant looked away from her as his mind wandered and was brought back to square one by her palm, which hit the linen tablecloth with enough force to cause him to jerk.

"Stay with me, Brant," she said sharply. "You're getting distracted, and I need to run. Dinner, next Thursday. Be there."

"Layana will remember. Email her the details." Brant's brow creased when she frowned. "You still hate her.”

"No," she spoke sharply. "I never hated her and don't now. Layana is fine, she’s just not what you need."

“You don't know what I need. You've never even seen us together. You should come by the house sometime and join us for dinner."

The woman shook her head stubbornly, the glint of light reflecting off her large diamond earrings. "I appreciate the offer, but no." She smoothed her hands over the linen napkin on her lap and lined up her wine glass with her unused dessert fork. "I don't think she would particularly want me there."

He laughed. "Layana? See, you reallydon'tknow her. She’d love to get to know you better."

There was another uncomfortable shift from Jillian.

His eyes narrowed at the tell. She was hiding something. But then again, he always got that sense from her. "What?"

"Nothing. Any plans for this week?"

"Layana's planned something. I'll need the jet."

If possible, she grew even more tense. "For how long?" She pursed her lips and the wrinkles around her mouth grew into tight spiderwebs. He had begun to notice, after Layana pointed it out, how attached Jillian seemed to be to him. He had always considered it normal, but maybe it wasn’t. Maybe this stubbornness against Layana was in protection of their relationship, but that was bullshit. He could be close to both of them.

She was still waiting, and he refocused on her question. "We'll be back by Monday. Don't worry, the work won't suffer."

"It's a very busy time, Brant."

He frowned, thinking over the projects in process. "Not really. No irons in the fire. And you've done a good job of quieting any issues."

"The board meeting is Monday."

"And I'll be back for it," he repeated firmly, watching as she rose to her feet with a quick jerk.