As we stand there watching one another, I notice two important things. First, I am absolutely about to fall for this woman I just met. Second, when she looks at me with soft eyes, the way she is now, there is nothing she could not get me to do. Well, maybe three things. Because I am not so sure we’re on the same page about the falling thing.
“Thank you, again,” she says sweetly, softly, as if letting me down easily. “I just... I write for myself, and my best friend just likes some of it. I don’t know if I want to share it with anyone else. It is very nice of you to offer to introduce me to another band. It would kind of feel like cheating, I think.”
Jenna gives me a little laugh, the sound as musical as her voice is. Fussing with her glasses again, she bows her head shyly. Glancing up at me from beneath dark, feathered lashes, she smiles softly. Oh, yeah, I am knee deep already and we just met.
“I get it. That is totally noble, to be honest. But I mean...” I trail off as I take a step closer, still ignoring our surroundings. “You could still come to see the band. And... see me again.”
Jenna looks at me for a long moment, biting her bottom lip. I watch her teeth sink into the pink flesh. I wonder what her mouth tastes like. I also want to know how her tongue feels against mine. I almost bite my own lip to suppress a hungry groan.
“That sounds a little self-serving, Mr. DJ.”
Grinning, I nod, reaching out because I can no longer help myself. I grab her wrist, toying with the colorful bracelets there and using the grip to tug her a little closer. To my surprise, she lets me.
“Very self-serving. I would love to see you again. Talk about music. Or anything else you want to talk about.”
“I don’t know.”
“I do,” Tina murmurs behind us before making a gagging sound. “Whatever you two sickos want to talk about, go do it somewhere else, please. Yes, ma’am, I can check you out.”
Flushing as I realize we stand blocking the counter, I back up quickly. I pull Jenna with me, laughing when she stumbles a little, her soft body crashing against mine. My hands steady her, grasping her hips gently.
Jenna makes a face up at me, pushing at my chest. I let go of her hips to put my hands up in a “whoa, my bad” kind of gesture. Her little giggle sounds again, and she shakes her head, moving her glasses once again.
“Well, maybe we could grab something to eat at the food court later? Hot Dog on a Stick is fun, no pressure. I will be here all day setting up for the show, I would honestly love to see you again.”
It is then I realize her hands still sit at my chest. Mine go to her hips again and I tug once more. Tina is chatting about music and concerts with her customer, but no one seems to notice us off on the side. I lower my head just slightly, looking into those beautiful brown eyes of Jenna’s again.
“Hot Dog on a Stick,” she says the name as if it’s totally foreign to her. “Your idea of impressing a young lady, DJ?”
With my face heating once again, I shake my head. Truth be told, I do not know how to impress a woman. Unless I try to use what I do for a living as a line, I never know how to impress anyone. Being on air and being face to face with someone are very different.
“No, no, not exactly. Here,” I grab her hand again, being very gentle, bringing the palm up. Pulling a red marker out of my back pocket, I take a deep breath and write my number out. I put my name too, just in case she forgets who I even am. “Call me. Or come see me at the show this weekend. Tina, take whoever you want to the show, but do not drag this one there with you, just for my benefit. See you both later.”
Turning before I can see what Jenna thinks about me being forward enough to give her my number, I head out of the store. I get a few stores away before I realize I am breathing heavily. My pulse is racing.
I am both turned on by my interactions with her and afraid I won’t ever see her again.
No, there is no chance of that—I will make sure I see Jenna again.
Chapter Four
Was I just being a complete idiot?
“He has the same effect on most women,” Tina teases me as I join her behind the counter. “Funny enough, he doesn’t even see it.”
“What do you mean? What affect?” I challenge, fixing my glasses as I try to catch my breath.
Oh, Jordan Bowers for sure had an effect on me. Not because he is a DJ who showed an interest in my music. Or because he ignored how rude my shyness seemed to make me behave. No, he influenced me the moment I looked at him.
Jordan is the most handsome man I have ever seen, and she is right—he doesn’t even seem to notice. With his thick, dark hair styled in a popular long, loose pompadour style, his cheeky grin with the dimples, and those amazing blue eyes of his, he is totally to die for.
“. He struck you stupid because he is oh-so-handsome!” Tina teases me, shoving me playfully as she slides some boxes towards me.
“What is this?” I ignore her comment about how handsome Jordan is, taking the bright green utility knife she hands me.
“New product. One perk of what we do here. We get the first look at new records, singles, even merchandise. It might be my father’s store—I still spend a fortune on stuff here. Oh, no freaking way! The new Sex and Sugar album here!”