Page 5 of Step By Step


Being back at the Pine Grove Galleria feels better than I expected.

Seeing some of the same kids working at the same stores reminds me of how far I have come. Still, a job is a job. I know firsthand some of these jobs can be wicked fun too.

Working at a mall with kids your age, hanging out at one another’s store on breaks or after a shift, and even hanging out after close was always a good time. Some of my best friends were made here at this mall, including my friend Branden and his sister Bobbi.

Being who I am now, though, sometimes people expect more from me.

“You said I would meet a band?” I chortle at Tina, one of my best friends from the Tape Deck.

“Dude, no. I said you would meet mynew hire, Jenna. Who happens to be a stellar song writer for a local band. Jeez, relax bro.”

Grinning at her, I shake my head. Guess I ought to have known better. Tina would never be one of those assholes. A bunch of needy fucks came out of nowhere after I got a radio gig. Wanting tickets to show or a song dedicated to them on the radio.

“No, no, you’re right, my bad dude. I don’t know why I even asked you that shit. Talented writer, then?”

“Hell yeah, she is amazing. Says she is not part of the band but writes all their music. That band I saw last winter. Purple hearts.”

“Oh, yeah, yeah. I heard a few songs at a bar one night, I think. Might be cool to meet her. You will be at the show this week, won’t you?”

Grinning her cheeky, freckled grin at me, she nods. I show the passes I brought for her, laughing when she throws her tiny body at me in a little bear hug. Tina is an affectionate little thing. Laughing, she goes on about who she wants to bring with her to the show.

“I am so freaking jazzed! And I totes cannot wait for you to meet Jenna. I just know she is going to be such a wicked cool person.”

Just as I am about to tell her Imightmeet this new friend, she squeals before punching me. Hard. Rubbing at the spot sure to bruise, I start to ask what the hell she’s on before I see what has her excited.

Never been happier to be in the wrong place at the right time.

Jenna walks in looking like a Vogue cover girl. With round glasses, her neon pink shirt and a little black skirt, she turns every head. Her dark hair is piled atop her head, but it’s a cute curly mess, framing her beautiful face. There is something in the way she walks, it is almost as if she skips her way in, seeming as excited to be here as Tina is to have her here.

Her blue eyes swing past me, pausing briefly, before they land on Tina behind me. I swear I see the faintest blush on her cheeks, and I love it. I am always such a mess with girls, seeing such a fox show some shyness is so cute.

“There she is! I was totally raving about you to this jagoff,” Tina teases, thumbing her hand at me and rolling her eyes.

“Don’t let her fool you, Tinaadoresme. You must be Jenna. To be fair, she was indeed raving. I can see why. You look perfect in a Tape Deck uniform,” I mean it as a compliment, not a come-on, but her eyes narrow on me when they finally look at me.

Holy shit. This woman is a total babe, and I just sounded like a major loser. Who talks to a woman he just met like that? Kicking myself, I put on my best smile. It feels crooked and wrong on my face, but her eyes soften just a little as she clears her throat.

“You must be Jordan. There was noraving, but she mentioned you.”

Cute and clever. I am done for. Grinning at her, I shoot a playful look at Tina, who just laughs, letting out a snort. They talk for a moment about the record display Tina set up to feature local bands. Jenna has some ideas and I stand there listening, totally ignoring how I am not needed or wanted.

“Oh, I just remembered, he gave us two passes for that show I told you about. The back to school one. Do you want to go with me?”

Both of us stare at Jenna for a moment. All I can think is, I hope she says yes. I hope she wants to go. That she wants to see me again. When she does not answer, I decide I have to do something. I have to convince her.

“Yeah, it will be a good time. This band we’re featuring is wicked cool, I cannot wait for people to see them live. Hey, if you write music, you could even talk to them about songs, right?”

Jenna’s creamy golden skin goes pink. I think I must have embarrassed her by mentioning her writing. Until she shoots a pointed look at Tina, then turns a cool look at me. Oh, no, I did not embarrass her. I pissed her off.

“I do not write music, per se. I just wrote a few songs for my friend’s band. I don’t... thank you, but no. I appreciate the thought, honestly.”

There is something in her tone that tells me she does not appreciate my suggestion one bit. I wonder what could have upset her, but Tina sends me a look that tells me not to ask. I can’t help but want to understand why a chance for a songwriter to talk to an up-and-coming band would upset them.

“Tina said you write amazing music. I heard some of your songs at a show once, so I know she ain’t lying.”

Jenna turns to face me, fussing with her glasses nervously. I take a step closer, feeling almost drawn to her. Standing so close, I forget all about Tina being there. About the music playing in the store, and the people shopping around us. All I can see are her beautiful blue eyes, the color of cornflower, and all I can smell is her sweet, clean scent.