Page 45 of Tisak

Glowing and floating.

But still fuckingscreamingin pain.

“Stop! Stop this!” I roared and pushed forward again.

I swiped my swords toward Jedrek, but he backed away and held his hand up in a surrender gesture. I didn’t understand why he’d do that, but he was letting me get closer to Florin, so I ignored him and tried to stab that fucker, Romulus, instead.

Two fae guards jumped in front of Romulus to protect him, but they didn’t attack, so I rushed past them. It was more important to save Florin than kill these fae bastards. I could always kill them after I made sure he was okay.

I skidded to a stop beside Florin, suddenly unsure of how to help him. He was still floating in midair and glowing brightly. Small whimpers and moans fell from his mouth as his body jerked this way and that.

“Florin?” I said. “I-I’m here.”

“B-Braz,” he moaned out.

Tears filled my eyes, and I turned to Romulus, yelling, “What did you do to him? What’s happening to him?”

Romulus ignored me, so I refocused on the tiny human—no, tiny fae—who’d become one of my best, and one of my only, friends in such a short time.

Turning around, I met Theon’s tear-soaked eyes. Romulus made a gesture at Theon, and I tensed, ready to kill him if he tried hurting my angel. But then the fae holding him back let him go, and Theon ran up to my side. I grabbed the net and ripped it open, freeing Theon from the strange magic they’d trapped him in.

No one stopped me. No one came near us, either.

“Oh, Florin,” Theon whispered, reaching his hand toward our little fae friend but not touching him.

Florin’s body was glowing, but as I squinted, I saw glowing lines rippling across his skin. Were they… were theyburninghim?

When Florin let out another heartbreaking whimper, I pushed all caution aside. After passing Theon the swords I’d stolen, I reached beneath Florin and gently gathered him into my arms. I hadn’t been sure if he’d be able to move or not, but as soon as I had him, he curled into my chest and breathed out, “Braz.”

Tears filled my eyes again, and I tucked him under my chin, whispering, “I’m here. I’ve got you.” I had him, but I had no idea how to help him, how to stop whatever this was. I found Theon’s eyes. “Wh-what do we do? How do we help?”

Theon shook his head, staring at Florin as helplessly as me.

Florin groaned loudly before his body went taut. His arms flew up to his head, holding it as the loudest scream I’d heard from him yet ripped from his throat. I watched in horror as… something—two somethings—pushed through the skin on the top of his head. They began to bleed, and I wasn’t sure who was screaming louder—Florin, Theon, or me.

And then the glowing stopped, as did the dark things growing out of his head. No, not things,horns. I blinked my eyes and ran my gaze over Florin’s body. His skin was hot to the touch, almost like the glowing lights had been burning him. But the thing that struck me most was the fact that Florin was now covered in swirling, glowing blue tattoos.

He was shaking, trembling in my arms, so I hugged him to me, and he let out another whimper but gripped my tunic in his small hands. Theon joined us, hugging Florin from behind, pressing his hands to Florin’s wound, trying to stop the bleeding on his hip, and staring up at me with fear in his gaze. I felt that same fear buried in my chest.

What had they done? What was going to happen to Florin now? I didn’t have enough medical training—that was all Nica. Goddess, I wished the tiger was with us now. I needed my friend.

Going down on one knee, I balanced Florin on my thigh so Theon could better reach us. I pulled Theon tighter to us. I had to protect them. I had to get us out of here. I had to keep them close.

“There you are, little one,” Romulus said, moving to stand near us.

I growled, loud, low, and threateningly. “Stay back.”

He held up his hands in defeat and didn’t move any closer. “No one here means any of you harm.”

To my surprise, it was Theon who spoke next, anger and steel in his voice. “That would mean a lot more if you hadn’t just stabbed Florin. What did you do to him!” It was more of a demand than a question, and I couldn’t have said it better myself.

“I awoke his true nature. I broke the spell that was placed on him when he was a newborn. His mother had very strong magic and was able to lock away his fae side to hide it from the humans and mages. I freed him.”

“You hurt him,” I growled out.

Florin was still trembling, but he patted my chest and whispered, “It’s okay, Braz, Theon. I’m okay.”

“You’re hurt, shortcake,” I said. “You’re not okay.”