Page 34 of Tisak

Braz shook his head, continuing to wrap Theon up. “No, I won’t. The sun is high and shining. I’ll be fine.”

Theon huffed. “I don’t know why I’m so cold.” He shivered, giving up and accepting Braz’s cloak. “I can’t seem to get warm.”

While Theon was looking down and adjusting his layers, Braz met my gaze over his head, the same worry reflected on his face as I was sure was on mine. After Theon’s magic had erupted at House Natas, he’d displayed a new vitality—wounds healing within days instead of weeks. After this last loss of control, he hadn’t had any physical wounds to heal, but a weakness was plaguing him. I feared it was a combination of the magic draining him and pain in his heart at having to leave Wey and Nica behind.

Goddess, but I hoped Nica was okay. Wey, too.

We started walking again, Braz and I sticking close on either side of Theon. The ground started to slope gently upward, and the already sparse grass grew thinner. We crested the rise, and my breath caught in my chest. I’d never actually seen a lake before, but I’d imagined something… smaller.

Sand, the color of whiskey-stained barrels, ran down the slope and disappeared beneath a stretch of endless blue water. Looking left and right, all I could see was more shore and more lake. It seemed to go on forever. A small burst of panic flared in my chest. She said to follow the shore, but which way? Beside me, Theon and Braz were equally captivated, so I closed my eyes.

Mother, I thought.Which way?For a moment, there was nothing beyond the scent of water and the chilled wind on my face. Then a tug, like a hook inside my belly. My eyes shot open, scanning left of their own accord.

“It’s this way,” I said, looking at my companions. They were watching me now, and I wondered how long I’d stood waiting for my mother’s answer.

“Could we—” Theon started to say but cut himself off.

“What is it, angel?” Braz asked.

Theon swallowed and looked back out over the lake. “Could we maybe rest for a moment? It’s so pretty here.”

“Of course, love.” I took Theon’s hand and started down toward the water. Braz caught my eye, a small smile on his face, and followed behind us.



Iwas pretty sure I was driving Wey crazy, which… probably wasn’t anything different, to be honest. I always drove him crazy. Only this time, I didn’t have anyone else to divert my attention. Even before Theon came into our lives, Braz was always there to at least talk to. And even though he didn’t like to admit it, Braz was my best friend—Wey was something… more—but Braz wasn’t here. Now I only had Weylyn.

For the past month, it had only been Wey.

And because Theon wasn’t with us, I was feeling out of sorts and ready to come out of my skin. My tiger had never gotten this much exercise in my life—I’d been running through the woods in tiger form for hours every day.

It wasn’t helping.

As soon as Weylyn walked into our tent, I was on him. I slammed into him so hard, he actually stumbled before regaining his balance and putting his arms around me. This had become my usual greeting, too. When he was busy meeting with other people and left me on my own, I had a tendency to pounce on him when I finally saw him again. He didn’t seem to mind too much.

I wasn’t used to being alone. I hadn’t been alone in over seven years, and very rarely before that. Braz and I had been locked in the same cell every night for two years before Weylyn was locked in there with us. It had been the three of us for five years before Theon came to us. And now I was alone for part of the day.Every single day.

They never should’ve gone by themselves. We should’ve been with our family.

Why did Theon leave us? Why did he leave me? Why hadn’t we—I—been enough for him? Why hadn’t he cared?

“Hey,” Weylyn whispered. “What’s wrong, Nica?”

I shook my head and buried my nose in his neck, breathing in his familiar scent and rubbing my cheek against his warm skin and plates. When Wey started rubbing my back with one hand and my hair with the other, I let go of my worries—I tucked them away in a place deep inside, something I was becoming familiar with—and a quiet purr rumbled in my chest.

Wey cupped my cheek and lifted my face up to his to press a lingering kiss to my lips. I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes as his thumb rubbed my skin.


I opened my eyes to find him watching me carefully.

“Did you spend all day alone again?”

I scowled. “You were busy.”

He sighed. “There are other people in this camp you can talk to.”