Page 77 of Tisak

Theon crawled out of bed and was washed, dressed, and ready to go to the mess in record time. We met the others there, grabbed our food, and ate quickly. There wasn’t much conversation, but the words exchanged were all civil, if a little stiff. I sat on one side of the table with Braz, while Theon sat between Wey and Nica on the other.

Theon had been eyeing all of us since we sat down. Finally, halfway through the meal, he set his spoon down. “Okay, tell me what happened at training.”

We all looked at each other.

Crossing his arms over his chest, some of the Theon-sass that had been lacking since we’d arrived came out. “Out with it! You’ve been quietly growling at each other for days, but now the tension feels different. Did you talk?” He turned his gaze on me. “Did you fight?”

“Do you really think I’m the one that would start a fight, sweet boy?” I asked with a crooked smile.


I bit my lip. I didn’t mean to find his interrogation amusing, but he was so cute and so right. His instincts were getting better, and I couldn’t help but be a little bit proud.

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Well?”

Nica broke first. “It was only one sword strike. Which he blocked.” He added with a grumble.

A startled snort of laughter burst out of me. “So sorry I defended myself against the ragey tiger.”

Nica’s eyes went wide, then he was smiling, too. “You didn’t do a half-bad job, either.”

“Oh, thank you, champion. High praise, indeed. You all seem to forget I was fighting my own battles long before you all came along.”

“We know, shortcake,” Braz said, draping one huge arm around me.

“Shortcake?” Wey said, half choking on his bite of bread, then coughing while he pounded himself on his chest. He looked between Braz and me. “Shortcake?”

“What? Are you two the only ones allowed to have endearments?”

“I think it’s adorable,” Theon crooned, elbows on the table, and his chin in his hands.

I sighed.

Braz chuckled. “Of course you do, angel.”

When Nica still didn’t say anything, I looked at him. His eyes were narrowed like he was lost in thought.

“No comment, tiger?”

Finally, he shrugged one shoulder. “It suits you. So are you two…” He trailed off, waving his hand between us.

Braz looked down at me, and I met his gaze. I gave him a little smile and turned back to Nica. “We’re something.”

Braz kissed the top of my head, and heat flooded my cheeks.

“Let’s talk about the battle, huh?” I said, needing to shift the focus off of me.

Wey seemed only too happy with the subject change. “About that… the disappearing thing you did this morning. Can all the fae do that?”

“As far as I know, yes. Cloaking seems to be a natural part of our magic.”

Wey leaned forward. “Can you cloak more than yourself? Say, a small group of people?”

Holding his dark gaze, I realized where he was going with this, and I knew exactly how we were going to launch the assault on Tisak.

