Page 60 of Tisak


The tearsthat had threatened spilled over. All these months, through cold weather and the winter holidays and now with the first blush of spring, these two pages were all I had to hold on to from the lovers I’d left behind.

“Oh, Theon,” Florin said, arms slipping around me. He settled at my side, holding me close and sitting up on his knees on the bench so I could lay my head on his shoulder. I hadn’t even seen him walk around Braz to get to me.

A moment later, Braz’s huge arms enveloped us both. I reached past Florin to grip a handful of Braz’s tunic, more grateful than I could say for their comfort.

“I miss them.” I sniffed, trying to stem the tears that still wanted to fall.

Braz squeezed us tighter. “I miss them, too, but we’ll see them again.”

“Perhaps sooner than you think.” Jedrek’s voice reached us from the trees beyond the clearing. He’d been gone for over two weeks on a trip to the Resistance camp. He was quicker at traveling the large distance between here and there than we’d been when we’d first arrived. It was one of the reasons he was the one who traveled there and why he always went alone—it was quicker that way.

“What?” I asked, turning to face him as I stuffed my letters back into my pocket. Braz and Florin climbed to their feet as well.

Jedrek appeared a moment later, still in his traveling clothes and holding a folded piece of parchment.

“I didn’t mean to overhear, Theon, but I was on my way to you.” He nodded at Braz and Florin before bringing his gaze back to mine. “I have word from the Resistance and a letter for you.”

I took the folded parchment he held out and unfolded it carefully. My heart was hammering in my chest as the words came into view. It was from Wey. His penmanship had gotten steadier, more sure, since the first letter.

Precious Little Bird,

I wanted you to hear it from me. We’re taking Tisak. Your fae friend can give you the details.

Nica and I will be on the frontlines.

We love you, Theon. We’ll always love you.

Please be safe, my love, and know that we carry you with us.

All our love,

Weylyn and Nica

I readthe letter and read it again. They were going into battle. The biggest battle any of us had ever fought. The Resistance planned to overthrow a king and claim a kingdom. My gut clenched. I couldn’t let them go alone. I looked up, my gaze catching on Braz’s. “We have to go.”


“Wey and Nica need us. The Resistance is going to take Tisak, and we’re going to be there when they do.”



Darkness filled the space beyond the windows of our hut. There was no moon tonight, no stars. Their light hidden beyond a bank of low-hanging clouds that fit the caged feeling building in my chest ever since Theon read that letter.

We were going back. The truth was, if Theon hadn’t insisted on it, I would have. Not that I wanted to leave here, but the Resistance was doing good work, important work, and I wanted to be a part of it. Especially now when I had the power to really make a difference. I could defend against the mages in a way we’d surely need.

“We’ve got a big day tomorrow, shortcake,” Braz said, voice low, as he walked over from the bed we shared with Theon. I’d laid with them until they’d both fallen asleep, but I couldn’t stay in bed. My mind was too busy.

Turning my face to Braz, I gave him a little smile. “I know, but I can’t sleep.”

Braz moved closer, the dim light from the small oil lamp burning in the kitchen gliding over the contours of his face. He would never agree, but aside from Theon, I thought he was the loveliest creature I’d ever laid eyes on. The sheer bulk and cut of battle-honed muscle scared most people off before they ever truly looked at him, but I was convinced that one true look in his eyes would change anyone’s opinion. Unless, of course, that person was standing across from him in a fight.

He frowned, white tusks gleaming even in the low light, and came to stand beside me where I sat on the window seat in our living area. His chest was bare, all his green, scarred skin on display. There was a light smattering of fine, dark hair spread over his muscular pecs that trailed down into a narrow path over his flat belly before disappearing beneath the soft cotton pants he slept in. “What’s wrong?”

Reaching out, I took his hand and tugged him to sit across from me. He sat, angling himself toward me and resting a hand on one of my knees. His large palm covered the entire width of my leg. If he wanted, I thought he could wrap his hand around my leg and snap it in half without too much trouble. Not even a drop of fear lived in me that he’d ever do such a thing.