Page 38 of Tisak

Despite the sadness in my heart, this time with Braz and Florin had been peaceful and quiet. I hadn’t had any quiet in such a long time.

The two of them were incredibly sweet and attentive, not only with me but with each other as well. I could feel them growing closer, and I was hoping that one day soon, they would act on the affection they both felt for one another. This time together, while hard without the rest of our family, was good for them.

This place was beautiful, and I wanted to soak up the sight of the glittering water and the leaves blowing in the trees across the lake. I wanted to soak up the sounds of wildlife moving about their day, unaware and unaffected by our presence. I wanted to soak up this peaceful moment for as long as I could. I felt like I could get lost in it.

We couldn’t linger here very long, I knew that, but I needed to rest my tired bones for a few minutes, and the shore here seemed like a wonderful place to do that.

I leaned against Braz, and he wrapped an arm around me, then went a step further and gathered Florin under his long arm as well. Florin and I shared a smile before I leaned fully against my sweet orc and closed my eyes, comforted by their warmth even if it didn’t take away the chill.

My body jerked, and my eyes blinked rapidly as I realized I must’ve fallen asleep. Panic gripped my throat at the feel of my body floating, of being moved without my permission. Where was I? How was I moving? Where were Braz and Florin?

“I’ve got you, angel,” Braz whispered, and I turned toward his voice, still blinking. It only took another moment for me to realize I was in his strong arms, being carried, and the panic that had threatened to choke me vanished in an instant. If I was with my strong half-orc, I knew I was safe. Braz sent me a sweet smile, then kissed my forehead, his tusks brushing against my skin and making me shiver.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” I asked, using Braz’s body to block the sun shining down through the canopy of trees. Florin had said to follow the shore, then walk straight through the forest, so I suppose we’d long since passed the end of the lake.

“You need your rest,” Florin said, and I had to turn my head and angle it down to find him. From up here, he looked even tinier than usual. No wonder Braz was so protective of him. Even I felt protective of my friend, and I was only a mere few inches taller than him.

“No more than either of you. I can do my part,” I said, frowning at them both.

“Angel,” Braz said. “You’re still drained from using your magic.” I flinched at the reminder of what I’d done, and Braz faltered for a split-second before he continued. “I’m used to physical exertion in a way you are not. Let me carry you… please.”

“I can walk.”

“I know you can, but I’d like to carry you for a while longer. I like the feel of you in my arms.”

I swallowed thickly at that. Sometimes his caring nature—as with all my lovers—caught me off guard. Growing up, I wasn’t used to such niceties being aimed my way. After clearing my throat, I nodded. “Okay. But only for a little while.”

His grin was adorable, his tusks tugging on his lips in a way that made me smile every time I saw it. “Thank you.”

Leaning up, I pressed a kiss to his lips, then used a finger to trace over his tusks. I knew Braz was self-conscious of them, but I loved them. They made him look fierce, but also endearing when he smiled. Even though he didn’t like them, he’d never hid them, keeping his hair out of his face with the sides shaved and the middle mohawk braided back, hanging between his shoulder blades. He was truly precious, although thinking of a huge half-orc as precious was probably a bit strange, I couldn’t help it where Braz was concerned.

“What are you thinking?” His voice was quiet.

Shaking my head, I sent him a smile. “Just that I love you.”

His face, his whole body, seemed to soften. “I love you, too.”

I kissed him again, then snuggled into his chest. If he was determined to carry me, I might as well take advantage of his heat and sweet smell. Braz hugged me to him tightly, and I had to admit that this was nice. I felt cared for and safe—something that had been sorely lacking in House Natas.

A few minutes later, Braz said to Florin, “You doing okay with walking, shortcake?”

My eyebrows rose. I was certain Florin would be upset with Braz referencing his size, but to my surprise, he grinned and patted Braz’s arm, saying, “I’m doing great, big guy.” He winked up at the half-orc.

Braz swallowed hard enough I could hear it, his cheeks pinkening. “O-kay. Are you sure? We can take a break if you want.”

Florin nodded. “I might not have huge, gorgeous muscles like you, but I can go for a while longer.”

Braz’s cheeks turned an even deeper shade, and I had to hide my smile. “Okay. Please… uh… please let me know if you need a rest, shortcake.”

Florin rubbed his arm. “I will.”

I sagged in relief that Florin hadn’t minded Braz’s cute nickname for him. I was relieved he could see the name for what it was—Braz being his usual sweet self and growing closer to my other love. Florin seemed well aware of Braz’s insecurities, and I enjoyed watching him take care with his words. No matter what was underway around us, Florin took the time to put Braz at ease and ensure his feelings. It seemed that Braz did the same for him. They were very tender and thoughtful together and so very different from the way Nica and Wey treated one another.

The thought of my other two lovers made a wave of sorrow flow over and through me, causing the cold in my bones to intensify. A shiver wracked my body, and Braz pulled his cloak tighter around me, tucking my head beneath his chin. The shivers didn’t let up, even as he rubbed my back, the warmth of his hand pressing through the fabric.

He and Florin whispered, but I didn’t listen because my mind’s eye was stuck on the picture of Nica lying on that bed, half his body charred and burning before me.

Flashes of that day, of my body exploding and taking Nica with me, flashed through my mind.