Page 1 of Tisak



Weylyn’s footsteps crunched through leaves and snapped twigs as he returned from making a circle around our camp. We’d entered these woods five days ago, and they seemed to stretch on forever—their depths filled with all manner of fauna, animals, rocks, and streams. It was as if we’d left the real world behind, shielded from the mages’ eyes and power within our leaf-covered bubble. Within these forest walls, surrounded by my family, I thought I’d be at peace, and I would have been if it weren’t for the dreams.

But the dreams.

I’d woken up gasping barely an hour ago with images of blue fire pouring out of me to consume everyone I loved dancing hotly behind my eyes. I could still smell the charring. There was no way Weylyn hadn’t heard me—no matter where he was on his perimeter check—and I was thankful he’d given me a bit to compose myself. A small smile tugged at my mouth as he sat down heavily beside me. Without a word, he lifted his arm, and I tucked myself into his side, slightly turning so I could rest my cheek against his chest. Closing my eyes against the gray light of dawn, I breathed in the scent of him, and my chaotic thoughts finally stilled.

We’d made camp here beside a small stream in the early evening the day before. Sephiran and Nica had shifted and left to hunt while Cedric, Braz, Weylyn, and I cleared the area and made a small fire pit. Florin tried to help, but Braz wouldn’t have it, for fear Florin would aggravate his still-healing wounds. Nica believed we were no more than another day away from the Resistance camp. Even though none of the shifters had been able to catch a scent yet, he was convinced that if we kept to our heading, they’d find us before we found them. I wasn’t sure I believed that with as diligent as all my lovers and Sephiran were with scouting ahead and constantly keeping guard.

“What pulled you from our bed, my love? Another dream?” Wey whispered into my hair after I’d relaxed against him. The endearment made me smile. I was still his precious, but he’d taken to includingmy lovewhen it was only the two of us. It was a balm to the fragile pieces trying to figure out how to fit back together inside me. Because whether I liked it or not, something within me had shattered back on the sand of the training yard at House Natas.

I nodded, the fabric of his shirt was soft against my face. “Yes. The fire again.”

“Come here,” Wey said, spreading his legs apart and pulling me to sit between them. I pulled my knees up under me and sat sideways, wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face in his chest. He held me close, both arms banded around me in a grip that assured me he was never letting go. “I dreamt of Samir.”

His voice was so quiet, I wouldn’t have heard him if my ear wasn’t pressed against him. Pulling back enough to meet his eyes, I said, “You gave him mercy.”

In the dim light, his eyes were completely black. “I know, and I’d do it again. Still, I see his face nearly every time I close my eyes. We can’t help what our mind conjures up, but it does help to talk about it.”

Those words from my stoic gargoyle brought a fond smile to my face. Weylyn didn’t talk about his feelings, ever, unless it was with me. I didn’t even think he shared as much with Nica—something I wanted to prod him to work on. “I’ll remind you of that the next time you growl at me and Nica when we ask you what’s wrong.”

“Why is Wey growling at us on this lovely early morn?” Nica’s voice, still rough from sleep, reached us from the direction of our camp.

Wey smirked, obviously having heard Nica rise and failing to share that information with me. I narrowed my eyes at him. It only made his grin grow wider before he pressed it to my lips.

“So this is how it’s going to be, then?” Nica pouted, kneeling beside us, his beautiful green eyes tired but happy. “The two of you over here so cozy together, leaving me to wake alone on a pallet meant for three.” Before we could respond, he tilted his head. “You okay, little bird?”

I nodded and reached for him, kissing him softly. “I am. Just another dream.”

Nica wrapped one arm around me and the other around Wey. “I wish you would wake me.”

“You do so much running in the day, carrying me or Florin and scouting. You need your sleep. Besides, Wey was already up and on patrol.” I smiled, looking at Wey’s grumpy, bearded face. “He’s good for a cuddle and a listen.”

Nica barked a laugh and leaned in to nuzzle the side of my face.

“Oh, I’m so glad you approve, precious.” Wey pretended to scowl until I sunk my fingers into his beard and pulled him to me for a kiss. Nica raised his head, pressing his lips to Wey’s as soon as mine departed before Nica kissed me again.

“Well, as long as we’re up, we may as well get breakfast going and get the rest of them moving.” Nica hopped to his feet, offering me a hand up. I took it gratefully, doing my best to push the still-smoldering remnants of my dream from my mind.

* * *

Despite our early start,it was a day of slow progress. Fear of traps the Resistance might have set had my champions and Sephiran on high alert as we moved carefully through the forest. Cedric, Florin, and I were walking in the middle of our group, with Nica in his tiger form leading the way, Weylyn directly in front of us, Braz right behind, and Seph’s bear guarding the rear.

Our movement speed was also dictated by Florin. He was still weak, but knowing we were so close to the Resistance camp, he’d insisted on walking on his own. He didn’t want to meet potential allies while being carted on someone’s back. Cedric and I put him between us, and I kept his hand clasped in mine.

“I’m fine, Theon.” Florin sighed when I guided him around another patch of knobby tree roots. “Honestly, I know I’m slowing our pace, but it feels wonderful to be upright and moving of my own accord.”

Behind us, Braz huffed, and I stifled a giggle. My gentle half-orc had deemed himself Florin’s protector and nursemaid from the moment he’d scooped his bloody body off the sands of the training yard. Florin rolled his eyes, but I saw the corner of his mouth quirk up.

Lowering my voice, I asked, “You’ll tell me if you need a rest?”

Lavender eyes met mine as he squeezed my fingers. “I’ll tell you.”

I smiled back at him. While he was still pale, some color had returned to his cheeks. Almost as if the farther we got from Zyon, the easier it was for his body to heal. Even weak, Florin’s eyes were constantly scanning our surroundings, and he kept one hand free and loose by his side—the better to reach for the dagger tucked into his belt. The belt was brown instead of the deep vivid purple like the ones Natas chose for him to wear. To me, he’d never looked lovelier, and as we trudged across the leaf and foliage-strewn ground, I idly wondered if he evenlikedpurple. There were so many things I didn’t yet know about him—about all of them, really.

I knew their moods and the different textures of their touch upon my skin, but I didn’t know their choices or their preferences in so many things because our life together up until now had always been dictated by Natas. Looking down at my legs, I smiled at the breeches encasing them. They were a little big—a spare pair of Nica’s—but Braz had helped me cinch them with a makeshift belt, and I couldn’t be happier to be in them. If I never had to wear another tunic, it would be too soon.