Page 98 of Raw

“How about you, little one?” Jagga asked, brushing his lips against hers. “Are you tired?”

Serenity nodded. “Mm-hm.”

“Do you feel okay?”


She wanted to ask a question. She started to reach for the translator device on her ear, but she stopped herself. She was going to have to start practicing their language at some point. Besides, the question she had in mind was pretty simple. She could probably work out how to say it if she tried.

She cast her mind back to her language lessons with Ika, recalling the words she needed.

“How much time?” she asked in ukkur.

“Until we need to get ready for the battle? Several hours. We still have plenty of time to rest.”

Serenity’s hands reached down, gripping Hruk’s cock on one side and Grodd’s on the other. Jagga’s was already pressed between her thighs.

“No,” she said. “No rest. No rest…”


The cavernous tunnel was vast. At least a hundred yards wide, and many times longer than that, its farthest end disappearing into a murky haze lit up by the faint blue-green glow of the bioluminescent fungi that grew around the caves. The air was cool and still, the silence marred only by the intermittent plip of water that had been slowly dripping for tens of millions of years.

From inside the tunnel, a casual observer might have believed the area was unoccupied. One would never have expected that hundreds of ukkur warriors lurked nearby.

At one end of the massive tunnel, the ground sloped sharply upward, forming a precipice. It was here, behind a shelf of stone, that Serenity sat huddled with her three mates, Hruk, Jagga, and Grodd. Many other warriors were gathered on either side. From their vantage point, they had a clear view of the vast tunnel ahead of them, and the three massive columns of stone that held the ceiling.

These pillars were natural formations built up over millions of years. They reminded Serenity of three gigantic, dripping candles. They were beautiful. She regretted that they would have to destroy them.

Around these columns, expertly hidden beneath packed mud, the stolen nith explosives had been set. A few other charges had been attached at strategic locations around the ceiling.

The remote detonator was held by Alyx, who was crouching a few yards away.

The plan was simple. When the army of nith came marching through the vast chamber, they would set off the explosive charges, destroying the columns and causing the unstable ceiling to collapse. The invading nith army would be crushed before they even knew what was going on.

There were two more large tunnels like this one that had been similarly rigged.

Meanwhile, the human refugees and the children were all being kept away from danger. Once the nith had been defeated, the tribe would journey underground for several days. The plan was to relocate to a different canyon, many miles away.

Serenity felt an almost giddy anticipation.

She looked to Alyx, who was peering expectantly over the edge of the cliff at the big hollow chamber. Serenity was impressed by the woman’s resolve. Alyx was very pregnant. She looked like she could pop at any moment. Yet against the protests of her ukkur mates, Alyx had insisted on being the one to push the detonation button.

Alyx truly hated the nith. Serenity wondered what her story was. Maybe someday she would find out.

It suddenly occurred to Serenity that she was pregnant now too.

Oh, she wasn’t showing any outward signs of pregnancy, of course. After all, her three mates had only bred her a few hours prior. But she was absolutely certain that she had conceived. It wasn’t just the fact that all three of the ukkur had come inside her multiple times. Serenity justknew. She could feel the new life forming inside her, like a warm golden light growing in her womb.

She was a little nervous. She knew that when human women were impregnated by the ukkur, the pregnancy developed very rapidly, sometimes taking only a few days. She would be giving birth very soon. Yes, she was a little nervous, but mostly she was excited.

She felt safe and secure, surrounded by her three protective ukkur mates. The big brutes huddled closely around her, and their body heat kept her warm in the coolness of the cave.

Suddenly, the ukkur began to perk up

A sound was coming from deep in the bowels of the planet.

At first, Serenity could hardly hear it. A barely-there rumble, like distant thunder. But the sound steadily grew and grew until the vast cavern was reverberating with echoes. It was the sound of thousands of marching feet.