Page 73 of Raw


Jagga tightened his chokehold, flexing his arm around his opponent’s neck. Hruk’s face transitioned from red to a deep magenta. He was on the verge of passing out.

In a last-ditch effort, the dark-bearded ukkur threw himself backward, slamming Jagga into a massive tree at the perimeter of the small glade.

Jagga grunted in pain. His chokehold loosened ever so slightly.

It was all the slack Hruk needed. With a deft and powerful motion, he flipped the younger ukkur over his shoulders, slamming him to the ground with another earth-shuddering impact.

Grodd was now back on his feet, and he lunged at Hruk. Simultaneously, they both threw punches with their right hands, and they both caught their opponent’s punch in their left hand.

The two ukkur were locked in a test of strength.

Their muscles flexed in the light of the scattered campfire, bulging until it seemed like their very skin would rip open.

“Stop it,” Serenity whimpered from her position on the ground, but the ukkur did not hear.

Of course, she wanted them to stop before they hurt each other. But there were other reasons as well. Seeing those two titans locked in a stalemate of raw power fanned the flames of Serenity’s lust into an all-consuming blaze. Her legs fell open, ready to be claimed. Her pussy throbbed with need and spilled its slippery arousal down her ass.

“Please,” she begged. “Please…”

But still the ukkur combatants ignored her. The scent of her wet and wide-open sex should have stopped them in their tracks, but their masculine rage-scent overpowered it.

Jagga was back on his feet now.

He swung a powerful blow at Hruk’s head from behind, but somehow the dark ukkur sensed the attack. He ducked at the last moment, and Jagga’s fist cracked Grodd’s jaw.

Grodd snarled with blind rage and tackled his friend.

Now it was every ukkur for himself. The three brutal alien warrior battled ferociously, clawing and biting and generally wreaking havoc around the campsite. They crashed through one of the tent’s ripping it to shreds. More burning logs were kicked about, threatening to ignite a forest fire at any moment.

But the real fire was blazing between Serenity’s legs. She could feel her pussy opening like a flower, begging to be filled again with three hard ukkur cocks. The sight of the three savages fighting for ownership of her body was too much to bear.

At last, Serenity could not take it anymore.

Summoning all of her strength, she screamed at the top of her lungs. It was a feral roar that drowned out the snarls and growls of the battling ukkur.


That got their attention.

The three ukkur froze mid-battle, their fists poised for punching, and they turned their eyes toward Serenity where she lay sprawled out on the ground by the scattered campfire. At first, their expressions showed concern for her safety. She had screamed, after all.

Then, in unison, their eyes homed in on the throbbing wetness between her open legs. Serenity slid one hand down, spreading her lips so they could see her open hole, so they could see how wet andhungryit was.

The three warriors growled with lust.

Serenity had the translator device, which meant that none of the ukkur could understand her. And she had no clue how to put her feelings into their alien tongue. So she said it in her own language, hoping her tone was enough to convey her message.

“Fuck me,” she moaned. “All three of you…”


Hruk stared at Serenity where she lay spread and writhing on the dirty ground. He was hypnotized, utterly unable to pull his eyes away from that glistening pink cleft at the joining of her thighs. As he watched, her delicate little fingers slipped to her crotch and splayed her tender lips apart, revealing that hole where he had dominated and penetrated her the night before.

Heownedthat hole. It belonged tohim.

When Hruk had woken from his coma a few moments earlier to discover the other ukkur touching his human, he was angry. It was not a matter of jealousy so much as protectiveness. Hruk did not know who these others were. They might have been trying to harm Serenity.