Page 32 of Raw

For a few seconds, everything was pitch black. Then the crevice opened onto a big circular area.

Serenity looked around in awe. It was a large dome-shaped space about fifty yards across. But it was not a cave exactly. The top of the curving stone walls was open like a big round oculus, letting in the pale glow of the moon and stars.

Around the sides of the circular space, Serenity could just make out primitive markings etched into the rock walls.

The ukkur carried her to the far side of the circular area and set her down against the wall. It was surprisingly gentle compared to the rough way he had dropped her in the grass earlier.

But what came next was not gentle at all.

Without warning, the ukkur reached down with both hands, took hold of Serenity’s top, and ripped. The durable animal-hide material shredded like tissue paper under the ukkur’s terrifying strength, exposing Serenity’s naked breasts to the moonlight and the warm night air.


Hruk stared in awe at the lumps on the human female’s chest. Big luscious mounds of flesh tipped with stiff darker nubs that seemed to beg for the ukkur’s mouth. And his mouth responded in kind, flooding with saliva the way it would do when presented with a tasty cut of raw meat. The female, sensing Hruk’s sudden hunger, gasped in fright and cringed away. He could smell the fear-scent radiating off her body.

The ukkur was confused and ashamed by his body’s reaction.

He was no nith. He had no intention of actuallyeatingthe human.

Hruk wasn’t sure why the female’s mounds of flesh excited him so much. Perhaps it was just the novelty of the situation. He had seen human females naked before, but only rarely. The females at the encampment in the canyon were always clothed. On the occasions when Hruk had joined in raids of a nith slaughterhouses, all the rescued humans had been naked, but Hruk had kept his distance on account of his curse. He did not wish to endanger any of the humans by getting too close.

But now Hruk had no choice.

Once again, for the second night in a row, he was face to face with the little human female. It was almost as if Fate was forcing them together.

The female made no attempt to move away. Hruk suspected that was not a conscious choice on her part. Her body seemed weak and sluggish, and he suspected that the nith had drugged her for some reason.

She was obviously frightened. Her eyes were wide circles of fear, and her chest heaved up and down as she started to hyperventilate. Unfortunately, the rapid up and down movement of her mounds only made them more enticing.

And those nubs. So erect, so tempting…

Without thinking, Hruk started to bend his face toward that delicious chest. The human female whimpered. The tiny, frightened sound snapped Hruk out of his daze.

What the rot was he doing?

He wasn’t supposed to be sitting around marveling at the female’s strange and wonderful little body. He had a plan to enact. A time-sensitive plan at that. There was no time to waste.

Hruk gathered the female’s tattered grelk-hide top in one fist. Then with his other hand he reached down and ripped away her loincloth too, leaving her completely naked.

The female yelped.

Still feeling the effects of whatever drug the nith had given her, she clumsily clamped her knees together and awkwardly twisted her hips so Hruk could not see the place where her thighs came together.

The ukkur wondered why the human female was so ashamed of that part of her body. There was nothing there. Human males had a piss stick there, just like ukkur had. But the females hadnothing—just a little tuft of fur, that was all. That’s what made them females.

Maybe that was the problem. The female was embarrassed by her lack of a piss stick, and she did not want Hruk to see.

But he did catch just a flash of her dark tuft.

Something about that brief vision sent a rush of blood between his crouching legs. His own piss stick had already been half engorged ever since he had carried the woman away from the nith ship. Seeing her naked chest mounds had made it swell even more. But now his meaty trunk went as rigid as wood, lifting his loincloth.

Why did the female have that effect on him? Hruk didn’t understand.

None of the other human females made him feel this way. Sure, some of them caught his eye from time to time. Their supple, curving bodies and graceful movements were fascinating. But this particular female was the only one who ignited a fire of raw need inside Hruk’s cock and within his throbbing balls.

It was a need that he struggled to put a name to.

Something like hunger, but not localized in his stomach. It was an overpowering desire to claim the female. To own her. To dominate her.