Page 24 of Raw

Serenity begged for more. She screamed for it over and over as the warrior’s cock bucked inside her, filling her with a second hot rush of cum.

Another even more intense orgasm swept over her and through her, and Serenity suddenly felt herself lifting out of her physical body and rising toward a blinding light that opened in the sky above her. Light so bright and intense it burned through the canopy of trees shielding the canyon…


Serenity woke to a throbbing head and weakened muscles. Her skin was cold, her mouth was sour from sleeping, and her dry tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth like masking tape. It sounded like somebody was calling her name, but the voice was distant and echoing, like it was coming from miles away.

“Serenity…Hey, Serenity…”

She cracked her eyes open and light flooded in, excruciatingly bright. Someone or something was crouching over her, a blurry silhouette.

“Hey, Serenity. Are you okay?”

The memory of her dream remained in her mind. The canyon, the ukkur, and the pleasing fullness of his manhood deep inside her. But gradually those imagined sensations faded, and the real world came into focus. The voice calling her name was no longer far-off, and the fuzzy shape hovering over her congealed into an all too familiar face.


The events outside the ship came crashing back into Serenity’s consciousness with all the violence of a breaking tidal wave. She remembered everything. The nith. Patrick’s betrayal. Getting shot by one of the alien rifles.

Serenity cocked her head down and looked at her body, which lying supine on a cold metallic floor. Her clothing was still on, the primitive animal-hide top and loincloth. Her torso showed no signs of trauma that she could see.

“You’re okay,” Patrick murmured above her. “It was just a stun-gun”

Serenity felt his creepy, wormy fingers brushing back her hair and stroking her cheek. Hot anger surged into her face.

“Don’t touch me!” she hissed.

She batted Patrick’s hand away, sat up, and scrambled backward until her back bumped against a wall.

No, not a wall. Not exactly.

Now that she had put some distance between herself and that traitor Patrick, Serenity paused and took in their surroundings. They were trapped in a cage of sorts, but instead of metal bars, this cage was made from some kind of rectangular energy field. The field extended from the cold metallic floor to the ceiling a dozen feet above, where a large white panel light cast its painfully bright illumination on the two prisoners.

The force-field cage was situated in the center of a larger room. On the other side of the shimmering walls of energy, the room was dark, but Serenity could make out blocky shapes that looked like metal crates.

Was this some kind of cargo hold?

“Where are we?” Serenity rasped. Her throat was painfully dry.

Patrick moved to the other side of the force-field enclosure where a metal pitcher and a pair of metal cups sat on the floor. He took one of the cups and filled it with what appeared to be water.

“We’re inside the nith ship,” he said.

Serenity’s heart sank. If they were inside the nith ship, then that meant they could be anywhere on the planet now. But she didn’t feel any vibrations from the engines such as she’d experienced on the nith ship that had brought her to this planet.

Maybe they had not taken off yet. Not that it mattered.

Patrick crossed the cage bearing the metal cup in his hands and held it out to Serenity. She was tempted to swat the offered cup away, but the sandy dryness in her throat made her think twice.

“Go on, take it,” Patrick said. “It’s just water.”

Serenity eyed the cup suspiciously.


Patrick held the cup up to his own lips and took a sip.

“It’s safe, see? Go ahead. Take it.”