Page 13 of Raw

“Oh, it was an ukkur who killed them. No doubt about that. The way the bodies were butchered, it had to be an ukkur.”

“And he just…he just left the bodies in the middle of the camp?”

Patrick smirked.

“Yeah. Whoever these guys were, they clearly pissed off the wrong ukkur. I don’t know what the guys did exactly, but they must have tried to mess with the ukkur’s girlfriend or something.”

Serenity’s heart was racing now. She felt dizzy, and the walls of the canyon seemed to be closing in around her.

“Why…why do you say that?” It took all of her willpower to keep her voice from cracking.

“Because the bodies were, um, shall we say…mutilated.”


“Yup.” Patrick made a cutting gesture toward his loincloth. “The killer cut off their you-know-whats.”

It took a few seconds for this information to sink in. When it did, Serenity promptly turned away and vomited her soup onto the dirty ground.


The muscles of Serenity’s abdomen clenched painfully as she threw up the rest of her lunch. After three or four heaves, her stomach was completely empty. She spat in a futile attempt to get the sour taste of bile off her tongue.

“Jesus, Serenity. Are you okay?”

She felt Patrick’s hand on her shoulder and flinched away. She didn’t want anybody touching her right now.

“Water,” she rasped.

Her throat was burning from the stomach acid. She grabbed her cup and took one unsteady step in the direction of the water tent, but Patrick snatched the cup from her hands.

“I’ll get it,” he insisted. “You just sit down and chill out, okay?”

Serenity tried to protest, but Patrick was already jogging away in the direction of the tent where the barrels of clean drinking water were kept. It was probably for the best. Serenity still felt dizzy and disoriented, and she would probably fall on her ass if she tried to walk right now.

She sat back down on the smooth, cool boulder.

The shaded canyon was spinning around her. A few moments ago, it had seemed like the walls of the canyon were closing in. Now she had the sensation that those walls might collapse on top of her at any moment.

Serenity closed her eyes and tried to relax.

Why the hell was she having this reaction? She was acting like a damn rookie cop seeing her first dead body. And she wasn’t even seeing them right now. Patrick had only told her about it. So the ukkur had mutilated the men’s bodies. Cut their genitals off. Serenity had seen far worse than that during her time on the police force.

But this was different.

This had been done on her behalf.

She wasn’t sorry that the men had been killed. Not after what they had tried to do to her. But mutilating their dead bodies? It was beyond barbaric. The ukkur who had saved her wasn’t simply dangerous. He was downright psychotic.

And that’s who Serenity had been thinking about when she had stroked herself to a climax last night.

A fucking alien psycho.

Her eyes shot open and darted around the shady canyon bustling with humans and ukkur warriors. She halfway expected to see her psychotic savior glaring at her with those dark, terrifying eyes of his.

But he was nowhere to be seen.

Serenity’s mind raced as she wondered what she should do—whether she should do anything at all, for that matter.