Page 10 of Raw

He must never do these things with the female. He must never touch her again. To do so would endanger the precious creature’s very life.

The reason for this was simple.

Hruk wascursed.

Even the brief contact he’d had with the female tonight was too much. But in this case, his hand had been forced.

Just a few minutes earlier, Hruk had been perched on a ledge in the canyon, keeping watch on the human female’s sleeping tent, just as he had done every night since he had first laid eyes on her several moons prior.

This night had been different, however. For some reason, the female had emerged from her tent in the middle of the night and gone wandering through the camp. Even in the deep darkness of the canyon, Hruk had recognized her. He hadn’t even smelled her. He had simply sensed it was her.

Hruk had followed her as she wandered through the camp, making sure to keep his distance because of the curse.

Then the human males had gotten involved and ruined everything. They had grabbed the female and carried her off into the cave tunnels. Hruk had been torn. He was afraid to get involved because of his curse. But of course he could not simply stand by and allow the males to hurt the female.

So he had intervened.

With his knife.

Now the three pathetic human males lay dead on the floor of the cave around him in three widening ponds of blood. Hruk scanned his eyes over the bloody corpses. His lip curled back in disgust.

What had the men’s intentions been, exactly? Hruk was not sure, but it had seemed like the fat one had wanted to put his piss stick inside the female’s mouth.

Was that how mating happened between humans?

Most of the other ukkur warriors in the tribe had taken human females as mates, and many of them had produced offspring together, but Hruk did not know the details about how this process went down. It always took place within the privacy of a tent, so Hruk had never seen it happen. And because Hruk had no friends within the tribe, he had never spoken to anyone about it.

However, hedidknow what happened afterward. Over a period of several days, a little ukkur would grow inside the woman’s belly. Hruk guessed that this happened as a result of the female swallowing the white sap.

And that is what these dead human men had wanted.

They had intended to force the female to swallow their sap against her will.

This thought stoked a fire of jealousy in Hruk’s heart. The flames rose, and heat flooded into his head until the blueish light of the cave appeared red before the ukkur’s enraged eyes. His fists clenched tightly, and a deep growl of aggression boiled up from inside his chest.

He wished he had left these bastards alive so that he could torture them. Their death’s had been too swift, too painless for his liking.

Oh well, there was nothing to be done about that now.

But he would have to do something about these bodies.

Hruk took a deep breath to calm his nerves, and he assessed the situation.

He had killed three of the humans. The killing had been justified, and he had no fear of retribution for his actions. Still, he did not feel like answering a slew of questions about what had happened.

The easiest course of action would be to dispose of the bodies in a manner that would keep them from being found. He could drag them deeper into the caves and throw them into an underground river where the current would bear them away. They would not be missed back at camp. If anything, the others would assume they had wandered off and gotten eaten by a wild cave abolith.

Of course, there was the female, but Hruk doubted she would tell anybody what had happened.

The female.

The image of her terrified face returned to Hruk’s mind, and his rage surged anew.

No, he would not dispose of these dead bodies in a discreet fashion. Instead he would make an example of them. He would use the corpses to send a message to all the human men in the camp.

He would let them know what happened to human males who tried to force themselves on the women.

With a snarl, Hruk strode down the length of the tunnel toward the body of the man who had tried to run. Hruk’s flint knife was still protruding from the base of the man’s skull where he had thrown it. Wrinkling his nose in disgust, the massive ukkur warrior placed one foot on the dead man’s back, and gripping the handle of the knife, he worked it free.