Page 98 of Stray Omega

In the space of a heartbeat, Ark was up and ready to strike, teeth bared and snarling. Leros leapt to his feet as well, holding tightly to Embla, who was still bound in place by the young alpha’s hard knot. He was in no position to attack, but he could at least shield her with his body.

As Embla watched, Ark’s muscles tensed like springs preparing to explode. He was about to pounce on the beta and rip the ugly creature to shreds when he suddenly froze.

Two more figures had just come through the door.

One was an alpha. The other was a dog.

“Orwen!” Ark exclaimed.

“Smoke!” Embla shouted.

For his part, Leros didn’t say anything at all. His jaw was simply hanging open in total surprise.

Embla’s eyes turned to Orwen. He was dressed in funny Outsider clothing. But Embla’s attention was focused on the alpha’s face. Their eyes met, and Embla saw a wave of relief come over the alpha’s expression. Like the weird beta, Orwen was carrying a gun too, but he lowered it now and rushed forward, pressing his forehead against Embla’s.

“Source, I’m so happy to see you,” he breathed.

Embla could scarcely believe the change that had come over the alpha. The last time she had seen him, she could have sworn Orwen hated her. But Leros had told her she was wrong, and now Orwen was proving it. She could literally smell the alpha’s love and relief.

Embla raised her hand to Orwen’s roughly stubbled jaw.

“Happy see you.”

A voice spoke from behind Orwen. It was the cyborg beta.

“While I understand that you are happy to be reunited, it would be wise to delay the celebrations until after we have departed this facility and returned to the Zone.”

“Who the hell is that?” Leros asked.

Orwen gestured to the beta. “That…is Seraph.”

“Seraph?” Ark asked. “But…how?”

“Let’s save the explanations for later,” Orwen growled. “For now, we need to get the hell out of this Source-forsaken hole. Seraph, lead the way.”

Sticking close together, the group of companions made their way out of the containment room and down the corridor. Seraph took the lead, his rifle at the ready. Leros was in the middle carrying Embla in his arms since he was still knotted inside of her. Ark and Smoke trotted protectively on either side. And Orwen, also armed with a rifle, took up position in the rear, guarding them from behind.

“This way,” Seraph called in his cold, emotionless voice. “There is a freight elevator.”

The motley group climbed into the spacious elevator. Seraph typed a command into the keypad, and they started to descend.

Embla clung tightly to Leros’s neck. She was scared and excited at the same time. Her heart was drumming a rapid tattoo inside her chest. They were escaping this awful place, but they were not safe yet.

Suddenly, beta-Seraph stiffened. He seemed to be listening to a sound nobody else could hear.

“What’s the matter?” Ark asked.

“There is a problem,” Seraph answered. “I detect several security squadrons converging on the lower levels of the facility. We may be required to fight our way out.”

Ark popped his knuckles.

“I’m ready for a fight,” the pack leader growled. “Leros, you hang back. Keep the omega protected at all costs, understand?”

Leros nodded and held onto Embla even more tightly.

“Good.” Ark turned to Orwen and looked at his rifle. “Do you know how to use that thing, old friend?”

“Aye, boss.”