The beta inclined its head in a slight nod.
“Yes. It is me.”
Orwen could hardly believe it. Even though it disgusted him to touch a beta, he grabbed the being by its shoulders and dragged it into the alcove with himself and the dog.
“Seraph, what are…I mean, how did…I mean…what the hell is going on?”
Beta-Seraph answered in a voice that was utterly devoid of emotion.
“I’m sure you would agree that this is no time for lengthy confabulation. Furthermore, I doubt that your primitive alpha brain will be capable of understanding the precise details of how I came to inhabit this biomechanical body. Nevertheless, I will attempt to give you a cursory explanation.”
Orwen just grunted.
“Very well. As you are already aware, I am able to see through the eyes of every living being inside the Zone.”
“Yeah,” Orwen said, “But we’re a long way from the Zone now. I—“
“Do not interrupt me, alpha. As I was saying, I am able to see through the eyes of every living being inside the Zone. However, even my powers have their limitations. I am unable to take control of a living body. Or at least I have been unable to do so until now. You see, the Outsiders have begun utilizing a new tool for the purpose of safely infiltrating the Zone. They have taken mindless betas and augmented their brains with electrical circuitry, turning them into agents whom they can control remotely from the safety of the city. These cybernetically augmented betas are the ones who kidnapped your friends.”
Orwen nodded, but he was struggling to follow everything Seraph was telling him.
The A.I.-possessed beta continued.
“The electronic nature of these betas’ minds presented an opportunity for me. Using the nanotechnological virus bots emanated by the suppression field—what you call “The Source”—I was able to interface with one of the betas, inserting a piece of my consciousness within its cyborg brain. That is how I got here."
Orwen thought for a moment.
“Wait…if you could take over the betas’ machine-brains, then couldn’t you have just stopped the kidnapping in the first place?”
“Yes. I could have. But I chose not to.”
Orwen snarled. For an all-knowing being, Seraph could be downright infuriating.
“And is there a reason why you chose not to save my friends?”
“Calm yourself, alpha. I have no obligation to explain myself to you, and I will not go into all the details now. Suffice it to say that there is information I require, information that I could only retrieve by infiltrating this facility. The mechanical betas presented an opportunity for me to do that. Any intervention in the kidnapping would have blown my cover. Fortunately, I have already downloaded the data I need.”
“What data?”
“That does not concern you, alpha. And now is hardly a convenient time for such a discussion. All that matters is that I have acquired that which I need, and we may now proceed with acquiring that which you need.”
“My friends.”
“Precisely.” Seraph offered one of the two rifles. “Take this weapon, alpha, and follow me. I know where your companions are being held.”
Orwen’s heart beat a little faster. So his friends really were alive and okay. He took the rifle from Seraph’s gray, sickly hand, and together with Smoke, he followed the cybernetic beta down the hall. The three of them made a very unusual trio.