Page 10 of Stray Omega

Unfortunately, that nibble did nothing but whet her appetite.

Leros flashed a handsome smile and tore off another even larger piece of meat. This time, however, when Embla reached for the food, the young alpha deftly snatched it away, holding it just out of her reach.

He was tempting her to come forward.

Embla knew she should resist, she really did, but her hollow stomach was overriding her brain. After only a moment’s hesitation, she crept forward a few steps, and Leros allowed her to take the food, which Embla eagerly munched.

After repeating this process a few times, Leros had tempted her a few paces forward across the forest floor.

Then the young alpha did something unexpected.

He extended an empty hand toward Embla. He wanted to touch her. This time, the slow cautiousness of his movement was partly due to his own fear of being bitten.

Embla growled a warning. Leros purred soothingly.

His hand was now close enough that she could bite him before he could yank his fingers away. But Embla knew it would do no good. Ark still had her by the leash, and Orwen was glowering nearby, no doubt waiting for any excuse to give her a savage beating.

Embla flinched, but she did not pull away.

Leros’s fingers gently touched her face, first one cheek then the other, and that was all. He grinned and gave her one more piece of jerky.

Next Leros took out a waterskin bulging with fresh water. The young alpha drank a little himself to prove to Embla it was safe. The omega was still skittish, but her thirst got the better of her. After a bit of hesitation, she lifted her face so the alpha could pour the water straight into her open mouth.

The water was pure and refreshing, and it trickled down her chin. Embla drank greedily. She would have drunk until she had a belly ache, but Leros pulled the waterskin back before that could happen. He put the skin back inside the pack, then he rose and slung the whole thing over his shoulder again.

That would be all the treats Embla would get for now, apparently.

Behind, Ark slackened the leash and walked around in front of her again. He handed the braid of leather back to Orwen, then gestured at Embla to follow. She could tell mean Orwen wanted to yank the leash again, but he held off. The dogs merely sat, watching.

Embla hesitated.

The food had certainly tasted good, and she wanted more. But she knew it would only come at the price of going along with these alphas. She also knew that she would soon be lost in the throes of her heat.

Although they were her captors, the alphas were being halfway nice to her—or at least two of them were—but that would all change when her heat took hold.

Embla shuddered to imagine what would happen then. The scene flickered through her mind’s eye. Three brutal alphas stripping away their loin coverings to reveal their massive, pierced arousal. They would pin her down and enter her body roughly, slamming into her again and again until her hole was sore and dripping with hot seed. And after they spent themselves inside her, they would mark her with their teeth—a painful bite at the curve of her neck.

And the most awful part of all—she would enjoy it.

Lost in the feverish confusion of her heat, she would actually desire such shameful domination.

Ark noticed the omega’s shudder and purred soothingly, beckoning her forward. “Come on, imp.”

Embla had no choice in the matter.

But she did have a plan.

She would follow the alphas for the time being, pretending to gradually offer them her trust. In return, she would receive more nourishing treats for her good behavior. But even more important, the alphas would let their guard down. And when that happened, Embla would make her move. She didn’t know how or when exactly, but she would remain alert, watching for the right opening.

She just hoped that opening arrived before her heat did.

Embla rose, dusted the dirt and leaves from her backside, and walked forward, allowing herself to be led by the alphas.

Ark whistled, and the three dogs sprang up and came trotting after, bushy tails wagging, pink tongues lolling in the morning air. They were happy to have a new companion. A new friend.