“It’s not true, Embla. Orwen can be mean, sure. But I know Orwen, I can tell that he likes you, Embla. Really, he does. It will just take him some time to admit it.”
Source, did Leros think the dog-girl could understand that? Even Jora herself wasn’t sure what he meant. But she was sure of one thing.
It was total shit.
The omega was right. Orwen did not like her. Jora had seen the way he had glowered at the dog-girl upon their first arrival in the Central Ruins. And of course she’d heard the stories about what happened in the Council Chamber. The way Orwen had spanked her for pissing on the floor like an unbroken dog. No, Orwen didn’t like her one bit.
And Jora knew one more thing.
She knew the reason why.
Plans started turning inside the omega’s head. Orwen was the key. He was the way to get rid of Embla once and for all.
In the darkness, a cruel smile spread across Jora’s face.
Without a sound, she leapt down from her perch and scurried away into the city, sticking close to the walls like a cat.