Page 45 of Stray Omega

“Can she even speak?”

Embla cringed back, trembling and confused by the sudden surge in the crowd’s curiosity. Leros doubted that she could understand much of what the others were saying. He just wanted to get her out of this situation, back to the quiet safety of their den on the other side of the city.

Suddenly, an exceptionally deep alpha voice roared like thunder.

“Stand back!”

At first Leros thought it was Ark who had made the sound, but it had come from the other side of the crowd. Immediately, the gathered alphas and omegas parted, making a path for a huge alpha with dark skin and long black hair.

Leros recognized him. His name was Taliesin, and he was the leader of one of the most respected packs in the whole tribe.

Taliesin strode through the corridor of bodies. When his eyes fell upon Embla, he froze.


Embla was crouched in the center of the protective triangle of her alphas with the three dogs nestled close by. She looked up at Taliesin through the messy blond hair streaking across her face, and her green eyes flashed with recognition.

“Hi,” she mumbled with a quick furtive wave.

Leros and his pack brothers shot each other perplexed looks.

“Wait,” Ark said. “So you…you know each other?”

Taliesin nodded. “This omega saved my life. In fact, she saved the lives of my entire pack, including my omega. But I never expected to see her again. Ark, how did you come by this omega.”

“It is a long story,” Ark answered. “And one better suited to a more private setting.”

Taliesin glanced around at the gathered crowd, then back to Ark.

“Of course,” he said. “No doubt Chief Addom and the alphas of the Council will wish to speak to you about this matter…”

He gave Embla a friendly smile.

“But first, there is someone who would very much like to see your new friend.”

With another roar and a wave of his hand, Taliesin dispersed the crowd. Then he headed off toward the center of the city—toward the Source. Leros and his companions followed after him. But as they walked away, Leros cast a quick glance back over his shoulder and saw Jora glaring at Embla with a look of barely restrained jealousy and rage.

Thatwas going to be a problem.

He put his arm protectively around Embla’s shoulders and led her forward. Hopefully Jora would see that and get the message.

But Leros feared she would not.