“Put your feet down,” Ark purred.
“No! No swim! No water swim!”
“Feet,” Ark said a little more firmly. “Down.”
Embla didn’t understand. Or more likely, she just wasn’t listening. Fine. Ark would just have to show her instead.
With a swift motion, he dunked the crazy little omega underwater and then let go.
For a few seconds, the water in front of him churned and splashed with Embla’s frenzied flailing until she realized that the pool was not very deep. Her head broke through the surface, gasping and sputtering, blond hair stuck to her neck and shoulders in matted coils.
Ark looked at the wet omega for a moment, then burst into laughter.
Embla gave him a green glare.
“No funny,” she growled.
“Stay put,” Ark commanded.
Letting go of the leash, which was still attached to Embla’s collar, Ark left the omega standing chest deep in the water. The alpha climbed out and walked dripping across the stone floor.
It was perhaps a little reckless. After all, the omega had made one attempt at escaping earlier today, and she had nearly succeeded in that. But Ark figured it was safe enough. Even though the omega was touching bottom, she couldn’t move very quickly in the water, and Ark would have no trouble catching her should she try to flee.
He looked over his shoulder and caught Embla glancing at the narrow stone path that turned past the waterfall and led outside. But she stayed where she was.
Ark walked to the cave wall where a natural alcove held some bathing supplies—natural soap made from the pulp of a plant that grew in the region, and a large sponge that had been brought from the Central Ruins.
With these supplies in hand, Ark returned to the water.
“Good girl.”
He looped the end of the omega’s leash around his wrist, led her nearer to the waterfall, and gently turned her around so that he could begin washing her back with the soapy sponge.
At first, the omega was apprehensive, but soon the tension drained from her shoulders, and she leaned back into the scrubbing. Once her back was clean, Ark wrapped his arms around her and began to wash her front, enjoying the slippery sensation of her soaped-up breasts in the process.
“Does that feel good?” Ark asked.
“Yes,” she murmured. “Feel good.”
Her nipples were firm and springy beneath his fingers, and blood surged into Ark’s member, matching her arousal with his own. The omega gasped aloud as she felt that engorged member pressing against her soft backside.
Source, her scent…
Embla’s heat had not been totally quenched it seemed.
She reached beneath the surface of the water and gently took hold of his hardened shaft, stroking it slowly.
“What this?” Embla asked.
“Cock,” Ark chuckled.
Her pronunciation was funny, biting off the vowel a little too quickly. Ark repeated the word for her, and Embla practiced a few more times until the word felt comfortable in her mouth.
She turned around. A faint smirk played at the corner of her lips, and a mischievous light twinkled in her eyes.
Suddenly, Embla dropped down, submerging herself beneath the rippling surface. Ark watched her curiously. Her hair drifted in the water. Just as suddenly as she had gone under, Embla popped back up, hair plastered to her neck and shoulders in blond tendrils. Her cheeks were puffed out wide, lips pursed. Ark didn’t realize what she was doing until it was too late.