Source, it looked far too small to ever take a hard alpha cock inside it.
But the scent wafting from the seeping hole was intoxicating. For a long moment, all Leros could do was kneel there, wide-eyed and gape-mouthed. He was transfixed, like someone beholding a holy vision.
“Well, kid?” Orwen growled, “what are you waiting for?”
Leros snapped out of his daze and looked at Orwen, then Ark, and finally the nameless omega. She was staring up at him with raw hunger in her wild eyes. Her pupils were blown wide with heat. Black circles edged with only a wire-thin rim of green.
Ark chuckled at the young alpha’s nervousness.
“Don’t worry, kid. I’ll tell you what to do.”
Leros’s face flooded red with a surge of embarrassment. But at the same time, a wave of relief swept over him. He was grateful to have Ark’s expert guidance in this matter.
Even before he had joined this pack, Leros had always looked up to Ark. All the young alphas had. Ark was a legend among the alphas. He was renowned throughout the tribes of the Central Ruins as the best tracker and scout in the Zone. So when Leros had come of age, he had been overjoyed to be selected as Ark’s pack brother. Leros knew it would not be easy. He knew that it would mean spending long periods of time in the wilderness. Ark preferred the wilds to the city, and he was known to take exceptionally long scouting excursions to the most distant reaches of the Zone. But to young Leros, that prospect of adventure was exciting.
Still, the lifestyle came with trade-offs. It meant long periods of time away from the Source. Away from the fastness of the Central Ruins. Away from the safe places where all the omegas dwelled.
But today, Leros’s long waiting was over. Today he would finally get his first taste of omega flesh.
And this one was deep in heat.
With Ark’s guidance, Leros would help to quell that flame.
The other two alphas were holding her shoulders down. Orwen was already naked, having removed his loincloth earlier to use it as a gag. Now Ark stripped off his loincloth too, and he commanded Leros to do the same.
“You won’t be putting your thing in her just yet, kid. She needs some breaking in first. But you don’t want your clothes getting in the way when the time comes.”
Leros did as he was told.
When the sprawled-out omega saw Leros’s cock standing proudly between his legs, she whimpered as if in fear, but her hips bucked upward to offer her inflamed cunt.
That sight was so arousing, Leros was tempted to spear himself into her then and there, but Ark had said that would come later. A young, unmated omega like this one would require sufficient time and preparation before she was ready to be truly bred.
The young alpha looked to his leader for guidance.
“First you need to touch her nubbin. Can you find it, kid?”
Leros felt perspiration breaking out across his forehead. This felt like an exam. He dropped his eyes once more to the omega’s gyrating hips. At the top of her cleft, the inner lips met in a thin flap of skin like a little hood. Leros cautiously pulled the skin back to expose her throbbing pink pearl of flesh.
“Good, kid. Good,” Ark growled. “Don’t be scared. It’s not going to bite you.”
Leros flushed even deeper.
He knew that Ark was kidding about biting, but the joke was fitting. The omega had already bitten both Ark and Orwen in the short time they had all been together.
Now that she was in heat, however, the change that had come over her was incredible. She was no longer trying to escape or attack her captors—for surely that is how she viewed them—but instead she lay open and submissive, all but begging for the domination that her body now craved.
And the omega was not the only one whose attitude had changed. To Leros’s surprise, Orwen was now offering his erection to the omega’s open mouth—the same mouth that had bitten him less than an hour prior. Leros could still see the bite mark on the older alpha’s shaft. But now Orwen seemed to have no qualms about shoving his unprotected cock between the omega’s open lips, and she accepted it greedily, sucking and slurping at the bulbous tip.
“Pay attention, kid,” Ark snapped.
“Right, sorry…”
The young alpha turned his attention back to the ripe berry at the top of the omega’s slit. Not sure exactly what he should do with it, Leros gingerly pressed his thumb against it and rubbed in a soft circle.
“Don’t be so timid, kid,” Ark said. “You’re not going to break it. Trust me.”
The pack leader demonstrated. Reaching down between the omega’s wide-open legs, he swiped some of her abundant slick and smeared it over her nub. Then he rubbed her deeply, grinding her clit roughly beneath the pads of his large fingers.