With a snarl, Embla sank her teeth into the alpha’s draining cock. She did not bite down as hard as she could have, as hard as she did with Ark’s hand, for example. As much as she disliked Orwen, she had no desire to unman him completely. For her plan to work, she only needed to hurt him.
And in that regard, she succeeded.
The big alpha stumbled backward, bellowing in pain and rage.
Embla’s instincts told her to flee, but she was still tethered to the tree. With her heart thudding hard and fast, she leapt back, positioning herself next to the branch where she was tied.
Now she would find out whether her plan was a good one or the worst idea ever.
When Orwen fixed her with his bloodshot glare, it took every ounce of willpower for Embla to stand her ground.
The enormous alpha snarled through gritted teeth. His face flooded red with fury. Angry veins branched over his neck.
He attacked.
His massive fist was a blur, swinging downward like a hammer.
Embla ducked.
Something cracked.
For a moment Embla thought she had been too slow. That boulder-like fist had come down on her skull and split it open like an egg. Her neck had snapped. Her skeleton had been pulverized to shards.
It was not Embla’s bones that had broken.
It was the branch.
The plan had worked. In his berserker raged, the alpha had missed his intended target and hit the branch instead. The limb had snapped away from the tree with the leash still attached.
Embla was free.
She didn’t wait for Orwen to throw a second punch. She bolted back into the woods, running flat-out. The branch and leash trailed behind her on the ground.
The alpha roared.
Embla could feel him chasing her. She could literally feel the heavy vibrations of his feet and knuckles thudding against the ground as he chased her on all fours.
But Embla was quicker.
And this forest was her home.
She moved between the trees like the wind, sometimes sprinting on two legs, other times dropping down on all fours to scramble under low branches and duck below fallen logs.
The farther she ran, the denser the woods became, and that worked to her advantage. Behind, she heard angry snarls and the crackle of snapping limbs. The sounds of Orwen brute-forcing his way through the obstacles. He was fast, yes, but the forest was slowing him down.
Hope flickered in Embla’s heart.
She was going to get away.
The omega allowed herself a smug grin.
Suddenly, the leash pulled taut and the leather collar cinched around her neck, choking her. Her feet flew out from underneath, the forest seemed to spin madly, and Embla’s back slammed hard against the forest floor, sending up a whirl of leaves and knocking all the air out of her lungs.
Gasping for breath, Embla cocked her head back and instantly realized what had happened.