Cautiously, Embla lifted her gaze back to Orwen’s face again.
The alpha was not looking at her anymore. His head was tilted back, eyes closed, and he was humming to himself as he enjoyed the relief of draining his bladder.
This was just the opening Embla had been waiting for. Orwen had let his guard down.
The alpha had left himself exposed.
Her eyes lowered to the thick shaft of meat gripped loosely in the alpha’s hand. The stream of golden urine was still hosing out of his pierced tip, but the pressure was decreasing. The arc of fluid was gradually growing shorter. A few moments more, and the alpha would be finished.
It was now or never.
Embla had to make her move. The omega took a deep breath, steadied her hammering heart, and attacked. Her lips curled back from her hard, white teeth as she lunged toward the alpha’s unprotected manhood.