Page 109 of Stray Omega

Embla nodded. “Okay. Trust.”

“Good,” Leros said. “Now just turn around and bend over.”

After a moment of hesitation, Embla did as Leros asked. She bent herself over Orwen’s lap with her naked backside raised high. It reminded her of the times when the mean old alpha had spanked her bottom.

“Very nice,” Leros said.

The young alpha smoothed his hand admiringly over Embla’s round, naked rump. His fingers slid over her hips and touched the hard lump of her tailbone just above the cleft of her ass. He pinched a bit of skin there.

“Just a little sting. Ready?”

“Yes,” Embla answered.

There was another jolt of pain as the needle punctured her pinched skin, but it was far less painful than the previous piercing. Leros slipped a metal ring into the hole. Embla reached back and touched it.

“What this?” she asked, puzzled.

Leros went over to where their packs were lying on the floor of the chamber. He reached inside, and after a bit of rummaging, he came up with a very peculiar item.

A white fox’s tail tipped with black.

The fur was beautiful, and Embla looked at it with an expression of admiration. But where had Leros gotten it?

“You kill?” she asked, a bit worried.

Leros shook his head.

“No, no. We only kill for food, Embla. I would never hunt a fox just for its tail. Besides, I don’t even think this kind of animal lives here in the Zone. This is from long ago, from before the Big Change. I found it in one of the buildings and made some alterations. Look.”

He held the tail out, and Embla could see that there was a metal clip affixed to the base.

“May I?” Leros asked, nodding toward the piercing above Embla’s butt.


There was a click as Leros fastened the tail into place, and Embla felt the soft, warm fur drape down her backside. She leapt off Orwen’s lap and skittered around the floor on all fours, moving in a circle and watching the tail as it swished behind her.

“What do you think?” Leros asked. “Do you like it, Embla?”

She grinned up at him.


Smoke and Luna and the other dogs wandered over, poking their curious noses at Embla’s new tail.

The omega did another quick spin, sweeping the white tail around behind her, then she looked at Orwen and Ark who were both watching her intently.

She was about to ask those two alphas if they liked her tail, but it wasn’t necessary.

The way that their loincloths were lifting told her everything.

“You know,” Orwen growled. “Leros said we don’t hunt foxes, but I’m thinking it’s time we changed that policy.”

The way all three alphas were gazing at her gave the omega a warm ticklish feeling down below.

“You hunt me?” She asked.

“That’s right,” Ark said. “And we’re going to eat you alive, imp.”

Embla’s green eyes flashed wild and mischievous.

“First you catch.”

She spun around a darted away toward the exit, her white tail bouncing along behind her. The three alphas held back for a moment, giving her a head start. Then with three hungry growls they gave chase. The dogs loped along behind them.