Page 107 of Stray Omega

Actually, the final piercing would not technically pass through the nub itself. When they had been bathing, Hines had shown Embla her piercing down there. The little loop of steel went through the thin hood of skin that covered the nub. Hines had assured her that it really was not too bad. And, the Outsider omega had added, it felt very good afterward.

But Embla was not so sure.

Now, with Ark kneeling before her, needle in hand, the prospect of getting pierced between her legs seemed harrowing indeed. Embla squirmed in Orwen’s grasp and clamped her legs shut.

Ark sat back on his haunches and smiled.

“Embla, if you do not want to do this, you don’t have to.”

The omega relaxed a little. She was grateful that her alpha masters would not force her to do anything against her will. Yet at the same time, she wanted to be bound to them fully, and she knew that this final step was necessary to complete the process.

Orwen’s soothing voice rumbled at her ear.

“I will help you, little one.”

“Help?” Embla asked. “How help?”

The alpha lifted one of the limbs that was curled around Embla’s body and moved his muscled forearm close to her mouth.

“Bite down on this.”

“Bite?” Embla cried. “Why bite?”

Orwen brushed his lips against the shell of Embla’s ear, sending sexy tingles all up and down her spine.

“Because,” Orwen whispered. “The piercing will hurt. I do not deny that, little one. However, we can share the pain together, understand?”


“That’s right. You can take all the pain you feel between your legs and send it into my arm. We’ll share it between the two of us, okay?”

In a weird way, it made sense. Of all the members of the pack, she and Orwen had experienced the most pain in their lives. It was the foundation of their personal connection. Even though she had her three alphas to defend her, she knew that they could not block every bit of suffering from her life. Sometime in the near future, she would have to experience the pain of childbirth. And after that, there would be all the hardships of motherhood.

But at least Embla would never have to suffer alone ever again.

She had friends.

She had mates.

She had a family.

The omega settled back into Orwen’s hug. She opened her mouth and positioned her teeth against his forearm, biting down softly. Then she slowly spread her thighs, giving Ark full access to her nether regions. The pack leader growled with satisfaction at her obedience. He nodded to Leros.

“All right, kid. Give me a hand here.”

The young alpha leaned in, gently pinched Embla’s clitoral hood between his fingers, and stretched the skin so that Ark could run the needle through.

“Good,” Ark said. “Hold it just like that. Are you ready, imp?”

“Mm-hm,” Embla hummed, still biting down gently on Orwen’s arm.

Ark moved into position now. The gleaming steel needle was in his right hand, its sharp tip aimed straight at Embla’s stretched hood. In his left hand, he held a chunk of cork which would catch the tip when it came out the other side.

“All right. Here we go. On three. One…two…three!“

With a quick darting motion, the needle punctured Embla’s skin. There was a sudden shock of pain, and Embla winced her eyes closed. She let out a muffled scream and chomped down hard on Orwen’s arm. The alpha grunted in pain.

“Good,” Ark said. “All done. See?”