“Embla, mate of Ark, do you concur with this justice?”
In the society of the Central Ruins, it was customary to give the victim of a crime the final say. In theory, they could grant forgiveness to the person who had wronged them and forego any retribution. But in practice, this never happened.
And Jora had no expectation of clemency from Embla. She certainly did not feel as if she deserved it.
Embla turned to her alphas and whispered with them. The omega seemed very perplexed by the entire proceeding, and she no doubt needed some help understanding what was going on.
At last, Embla faced the Chief again.
“What happen Jora?” she asked. “She go away?”
Addom the Chief nodded. He answered slowly, pronouncing each word very clearly so that Embla could understand.
“Yes. As punishment, Jora will be exiled from the tribe, which means that she will go away forever.”
Embla had shouted so loudly that it startled Jora. Even the members of the Council were shaken by the little omega’s sudden outburst.
“No?” the Chief asked.
“No make Jora go,” Embla said, seeming almost indignant. “No make go. No fair. She stay, okay?”
A flicker of a smirk touched the Chief’s mouth.
“Embla, are you saying you would like grant Jora clemency for the harm she has done you?”
With a very solemn expression, Embla gave a big nod.
“Yes. Climenny. Yes.”
Relief rushed over Jora’s body like a cool wind, and she had to grip edge of her bench just to keep from tumbling off of it.
“So be it,” the Chief said. “Though I must admit, I’m somewhat surprised by your decision.”
The alpha named Orwen placed his hand on Embla’s shoulder.
“She has a good reason,” he said.
With that, the trial was over, and Jora found herself with a second chance. She watched as Embla and her alphas made their way out of the chamber. Just as they were about to pass through the big doors, Embla turned and flashed a smile that melted Jora’s heart.
Then the door closed, and Jora was left contemplating all that had just happened, and what she would make of the gift of life that had been given to her.