Ark sat cross-legged on the mossy floor outside the bathing chamber and relaxed his mind. He kept his breathing slow, steady, and circular, allowing his thoughts to drift by like clouds blowing across an immovable mountain peak.
One of those thoughts was of Embla. Part of him wished to check on her again, but he resisted the impulse. She was fine, and she seemed to be enjoying the time with her new omega friend. That was good. It was important for her to have friends here in the city.
Still, Ark couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that he was making a mistake.
Embla was not of this place, and she would never feel wholly comfortable here in the Central Ruins, even though she would be safe and protected.
Ark drove those thoughts out of his mind, focused on his breathing, and allowed himself to detach, sinking deeper and deeper into his meditation.
But his mental relaxation was short-lived.
A sharp cry pierced the serenity of his meditation. It was the cry of an omega in distress, and it had come from inside the bathing room.
A surge of adrenaline brought Ark to his feet. He rushed toward the entrance of the bathing area. He sensed Leros right behind him.
No sooner had he stepped through the archway than an omega came stumbling toward him out of the clouds of steam. It was not Embla, nor was it the omega Gabrielle who had led Embla inside. This omega had tears in her eyes and a ruddy mark on her cheek as if she’d been slapped hard.
“Jora?” Leros asked.
So, Ark’s young pack brother knew this omega. Yes, he could remember seeing her before. It had seemed to him that the omega was interested in Leros, but the young alpha did not reciprocate her feelings.
But what was she doing here?
No time to worry about that. His primary concern—his only concern—was his mate’s safety.
“Embla,” Ark growled. “Where is she?”
The omega named Jora sobbed, tears streaming down her face.
“She’s crazy!” Jora stammered. “I don’t know what happened. I was braiding her hair and then she just freaked out. She attacked me like a wild animal! Oh Source, I thought she was going to kill me…
That didn’t sound like Embla. Yes, the wild little omega had an impulsive streak, but Ark had never seen her engage in unprovoked violence.
“Where. Is. She?” he repeated sternly.
The shaken omega lifted a trembling hand toward one of the tall windows along the far wall. The glass panes had been opened, and steam was pouring out into the cooler air outside.
“After she hit me, she ran away. I’m telling you she’s crazy. Oh, Leros. Please…”
She tried to hug the young alpha, but he kept her at arm’s length.
“We have to find her,” Ark said.
Leros nodded in agreement. “I’ll go find Orwen.”
“No time,” Ark snarled.
The pack leader charged across the tiled floor and leapt through the open window into the alley beyond. Without hesitation, young Leros followed right on his heels. The dark-haired omega was left on her own. She called after Leros, but her cries fell on deaf ears.